
How to properly water an orchid to keep it blooming for a long time

How to water an orchid

The capricious exquisite orchid is one of the most demanding indoor plants. It reacts to the slightest change in temperature or lighting.

It is not immediately possible to choose a watering regime. The roots can wither, the flower stalks can fall off, and the leaves can become dull - all of this is a consequence of improper watering. OBOZREVATEL figured out how to water an orchid so that it blooms for a long time.

Shower for an orchid

There are very radical ways. One of them is a "hot shower".

Turn on warm water on the shower head. It should not be boiling water and not too hot. Your body should be comfortable. If you have a thermometer, measure +38°C. Place the orchid pot in the bath or shower and turn on the water jet. Do not turn on the pressure too much - this will damage the fragile plant.

Leave the watered orchid for 30 minutes to allow the water to drain off completely. After that, experts advise wiping the leaves with a dry towel or napkin.

This method of watering is stressful for the plant. Do not give the orchid a "hot shower" too often. Once a month is the best option.

Use a watering can

Few people know, but when watering an orchid with a watering can, you need to make sure that the water does not get on the growth points and leaf axils.

Florists advise pouring water until it begins to flow out of the holes at the bottom of the pot.

It is important to water with settled distilled water.

Immersion procedure

Carefully take the transparent pot in which the orchid is growing and immerse it in a container of water. Do not overdo it with the water level - it should reach no more than the middle of the pot.

Leave the plant for a maximum of an hour. Then remove the pot and wait for the excess water to drain away. The orchid will absorb as much moisture as it needs.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told how to save a dry orchid in a matter of days.

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