
"He wasn't so sensitive before": Olena Zelenska reveals what can bring her husband to tears

Olena Zelenska reflects on changes in the president's character

The First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska told us how her husband, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, has changed in the face of a full-scale war. The chosen one of the Ukrainian leader admitted that his character has become stronger and more resilient in the workplace, but in the family circle, her beloved is more sensitive than ever.

Nowadays, any mention of his son and daughter, whom Volodymyr Zelenskyy has hardly seen for about two years, can bring out the emotions of the President of Ukraine. Olena Zelenska spoke about this in an interview published on the YouTube channel of the Presidential Office.

In response to a question about internal changes in her husband, the First Lady admitted that in recent years, he had become more stubborn, focused, and resilient.

"In personal issues, it seems to me that he has become perhaps more sentimental about some simple things... He can now be amused by any little thing related to children: sending a photo of his son or telling him what his daughter said. And it touches him very emotionally now. He has never been so sensitive before," Olena Zelenska said.

She believes that the reason for this emotionality lies in the lack of normal communication with her daughter Oleksandra and son Kyrylo. When the leader of Ukraine now talks to children or hears about them, he appreciates these moments more, Olena Zelenska believes.

She suggested that in the future, the man's character will be the same as it was before. "I hope this is temporary. I just have a huge hope that this will all end. I need it, as do all Ukrainians," the first lady concluded.

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