
Gosling visited a fan's coffee shop, and Eminem personally met with a seriously ill person: 5 celebrities who made their fans' dreams come true

Darya SkubEntertainment
Gosling visited a fan's coffee shop, and Eminem personally met with a seriously ill person: 5 celebrities who made their fans' dreams come true

Celebrities often manage to go through "fire" and "water": they overcome difficulties, showing strength of character, courage and persistence. But the "brass trumpets" (the test of fame) are not for everyone.

While some stars like Rihanna, Justin Bieber or Madonna, once they reached the top, ignore or boor fans, others, on the contrary, find time in their busy schedules to meet with fans and make their dreams come true. Read about such cases in the material OBOZREVATEL.

1. Selena Gomez

In 2016, American actress, singer, model and producer Selena Gomez surprised Sophie Sanders. She came to her fan's home in Sydney, Australia. The girl thought she'd won the opportunity to shoot a video, which the hosts from local radio station Kiis would pass on to the celebrity. But right as she was recording the song "Kill Em With Kindness," Selena stealthily snuck up on Sanders. "I can't believe this happened. I can't believe she took the time to come to me," Sophie said.

2. taylor swift

American singer Taylor Swift helped a fan surprise his girlfriend. Anthony and Stephanie met at the singer's concert as part of the Red Tour and started dating pretty quickly. Five years later, the guy texted the celebrity that he wanted to ask for his girlfriend's hand and heart. Next, he brought his beloved to a fan meeting, where he proposed and heard an enthusiastic "yes." Swift congratulated the couple on a new stage in life.


3. Ryan Gosling.

The owner of Grinder Coffee Gerrard (Toronto) once organized a campaign to meet her idol. She put a cardboard figure of Canadian film actor Ryan Gosling in the institution, with which customers took pictures for 10 days in a row, and posted photos online with the hashtag #ryanneedsgrinder ("Ryan needs Grinder"). Some even tweeted celebrities on social media where the cafe was located. And it worked. The movie star came to the fan, had coffee and chatted with her. During the conversation, he admitted that he was persuaded to come by his mother, who liked the woman's creativity.


4. Beyoncé

In early 2014, American singer, producer, actress and dancer Beyoncé was performing in Birmingham. When she saw a girl in the audience who had a birthday badge with her name on it, she suspended the concert. "I see you have a badge that says you're the birthday girl. What's your name?" - the celebrity asked the 22-year-old Shehnaz Kahn from the stage, then sang "Happy Birthday."

5. eminem.

Gage Garmo, 17, was suffering from a rare terminal illness (bone cancer). When doctors told him he had only days to live, friends and family decided to start a Twitter campaign called #GetGageGarmoToMeetEminem ("Introduce Gage Garmo to Eminem"). The rapper Eminem soon found out about it and came to see the young man, with whom he talked for about an hour. The next day Gage was gone.


Previously OBOZREVATEL wrote about 5 stars suffering from incurable diseases.

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