Copies of Barbie and Ken: how today live eccentric persons who have plastic surgeries to turn themselves into dolls
There are celebrities who don't seem to have played with dolls as children. As adults, they go under the knife like obsessives and change their appearance to become a copy of the iconic Barbie and Ken. Dozens of surgeries to have a miniature nose and porcelain skin color. They remove ribs and put implants in their breasts or buttocks. And that's not all.
How did the fates of these epathetic Instagram stars? Read in the material OBOZREVATEL.
Valeria Lukyanova
Ukrainian blogger Valeria Lukyanova, known as Odessa "Barbie", from childhood dreamed of loud fame, because of which since adolescence began to save up for surgery.Later, plastic surgeons made her look like a live version of the doll. Valeria's ability to do professional makeup enhances the effect. In different years, she then extremely thin, then gained mass in parallel with strength training.
Now the girl has returned to a more natural image and spends a lot of time traveling. Less often publishes online photos in infantile outfits, colored lenses and with bright wigs. Valeria keeps silent about the war in her native Ukraine and the fact that Russia is an aggressor country. She doesn't seem to care about it at all.
Jessica Alves (Rodrigo Alves)
Brazilian television star Jessica Alves is a transgender woman. Before 2020, it was a man named Rodrigo Alves. He was known as "living Ken." Later he realized that he had always been a Barbie at heart. In an interview, he even mentioned his fascination with this doll at the age of 3-6 years old and how he dressed up in women's outfits.
At the age of 37, Rodrigo started taking hormones, had his breasts enlarged and had a vaginoplasty. Now it's Jessica. She has undergone at least 100 surgeries for her transformation. Now she is engaged in modeling and maintains her Instagram page, which has more than 7 million followers. Later, the transgender woman wants to transplant her uterus and get pregnant.
Justin Jedlicka
American Justin Jedlicka was born in 1980 in a small town in the United States. All through his childhood he was complexed by the fact that he had a too "ordinary" appearance. At the age of 32, he was determined to change this. The man enlarged his lips, changed the cut of his eyes, had rhinoplasty, silicone breasts, abs, biceps and triceps. In total, he had more than 700 plastic surgeries. After manipulating his body and face, Jedlica became the Ken look-alike the world has come to know about.
He is now 43. And he decided to spend his birthday in the surgeon's office. Had a deep neck, face, brow and upper eyelid lift. It seems that the man is trying to be "forever young". And his chosen one, a successful businessman, supports him in this: he became a sponsor in the realization of his surgical whims.
Vanilla Chamu
Model from Japan Vanilla Chamu, better known as "French porcelain doll", since the age of 19 has had 30 plastic surgeries, on which she spent about 100,000 American dollars. The girl changed the color of her skin, the cut of her eyes, the oval of her face and the shape of her nose, as well as removed a few ribs and enlarged her breasts. She does not regret her choice, because it is in them that she sees the key, which, in her words, allowed her to "find the real me". In her home country, the "living doll" has become a real celebrity, so constant invitations to collaborate help her: they cover the costs of numerous transformations.
Earlier OBOZREVATEL wrote about 5 models with unusual physical data.
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