
You can send photos! The network recalled the 2001 BBC News report that stunned the whole world

A BBC News report from 2001 about the first phones with cameras stirred up the web

The first phones with cameras! It was so long ago, but it brought so much shock and pleasure to people at the same time... The first camera phones in the UK appeared in the early 2000s, and in honor of this technological advancement, BBC News even filmed a report about "crazy" schoolchildren who are "sitting" on their phones instead of communicating with their peers.

"Phone manufacturers never expected this to take off. Teenagers decided it was a way to keep in touch," the report said. Metro explains that cameras on phones appeared because the technology industry needed new changes due to low phone sales.

The report depicted teenagers sending massive text messages, which, by the way, were about 15-20 per day at the time. For today's frantic life "on the phone," this number can be sent in just a few minutes.

Later, the audience was shown the legendary Nokia with a camera, with which the reporter took several pictures near Buckingham Palace before the expert spoke about the development.

The idea of phones with a built-in camera caught on so easily that in 2003 they outsold conventional digital cameras. However, the report caused a wave of nostalgia online.

You can send photos! The network recalled the 2001 BBC News report that stunned the whole world

"It's so crazy to hear that 15-20 messages a day was considered a lot back then." "The year 2000 will always be 'the future' for me. I can't believe we went through it more than two decades ago", "I was 18 when this report came out. At that time, I got my first Nokia with a camera, it cost about 300 pounds (14.4 thousand hryvnias at the current exchange rate) and I was the coolest kid among my friends," people wrote under the report on YouTube.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA reported that Meta plans to label all photos created by artificial intelligence on social networks. This innovation will also apply to audio and video content.

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