
There are quite a few problems: actor Dmytro Sova explained why his celebrity wife has to give up the dream of going to the front

Dmytro Sova and Dasha Leheida got married two years ago

Popular actress Dasha Leheida doesn't want to mention her dreams of becoming a military medic at the front, which she recently shared with the media, due to her health problems. In an interview with OBOZ.UA, the artist's husband, actor Dmytro Sova, provided additional details.

The actor mentioned that his wife requires surgery. Dmytro Sova himself is currently serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in Starokostiantyniv. Dasha Leheida's father, a military pilot, is also serving there.

"Dasha is actively involved in volunteering. Three times a week, she and the girls help the wounded in hospitals," says the actor. "They interact with the guys and deliver food. Most often, it's at the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology, where there are many wounded individuals facing mobility challenges, making extra hands crucial. After witnessing what she has seen, she expressed more than once: 'I want to become a combat medic.' This is a very heavy responsibility, both physically and psychologically. But I realized that there was no point in denying her, as she is a determined young woman, much like her father. She is a fighter for truth and justice, and she will defend it to the last."

There are quite a few problems: actor Dmytro Sova explained why his celebrity wife has to give up the dream of going to the front

"To be honest, she doesn't like it when I mention her in interviews, especially about her dreams of becoming a doctor. In reality, she has a lot of problems with her knee (but she doesn't want to talk about it either) - she needs surgery, and it's been long overdue. When the war started, she didn't have time for that, although I can only imagine how much effort it takes for her to perform in shows where she has to dance and jump," Sova adds.

At the beginning of the invasion, the celebrity couple began to actively volunteer: "Before the war, we had just earned good money from projects, saved up for a car and apartment repairs. We gave it all away. We opened an ammunition sewing shop with five tailors. At that time, our guys had almost nothing - unloaders, and tile carriers. Later, they started importing everything they needed from abroad, and in the first month, they raked in all the sales. Friends said: 'Dimon if you could turn back the clock and were told that you would spend so much money, what would you do?' I said: 'Without even thinking, I would have done the same thing.'

There are quite a few problems: actor Dmytro Sova explained why his celebrity wife has to give up the dream of going to the front

Dmytro Sova and Dasha Leheida met on the set: 'A week later, we went to a disco together, and the next day I suggested we move in together. We got married in August 2021.'

Earlier, OBOZ.UA wrote that the singer TAYANNA commented on her performance at the scandalous wedding of one of the participants of the "drunken parties" for the first time.

Read the full interview with Dmytro Sova on OBOZ.UA here.

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