
The viewer's heart stopped, and the administration wanted to cover it up? What really happened during the performance at the Lviv Opera. Exclusive

Rumors spread online that a spectator's heart stopped during a performance at the Lviv Opera

A post by a Ukrainian man claimed that during a performance at the Solomiya Krushelnytska National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater in Lviv, one of the audience members had a heart attack. An eyewitness to the incident claimed to have provided medical assistance to the girl, while the theater administration allegedly asked him to take her unconscious body to the technical room to avoid causing panic and attracting the attention of other visitors. However, representatives of the Lviv Opera denied these allegations.

The theater's press service provided a commentary exclusively for OBOZ.UA, offering explanations of the situation. They emphasized that the information from the original source was distorted and untrue.

Serhiy Gerasymov, the author of the post, wrote on his personal Facebook page: "The Lviv Opera, a deep center of authentic culture in Lviv, remains defenseless against simple life situations. From my recent experience: there was no defibrillator and no basic respect for the life of an individual who was losing consciousness and trying to leave the hall to avoid attracting attention... I was providing simple first aid to a 23-25-year-old girl without breathing or a pulse, and the administration was running around to ensure that the chic audience wouldn't see what was happening in the corridor. They asked me to take her unconscious body to the technical room. Of course, I forbade it... The girl was saved."

 The viewer's heart stopped, and the administration wanted to cover it up? What really happened during the performance at the Lviv Opera. Exclusive

Representatives of the theater explained that it was during a performance of Carmen on February 17. Indeed, at the end of the first act, one of the audience members felt sick and fainted. Other spectators, according to witnesses who informed the administration, helped carry the girl out of the auditorium. Employees immediately called an ambulance, as well as the Lviv Opera's doctor on duty, who is present at all events in the theater.

Additionally, according to the press service, the claim about the spectator's cardiac arrest is false.

"The post mentions that the administration started rushing and shielding the girl from the view of the audience. Indeed, the administrators tried to create additional space around the person who lost consciousness, which is logical in principle. It is necessary to provide space for the doctor to examine her. Secondly, it is very undesirable to have a crowd of people, especially around a person who feels unwell... Then our doctor on duty promptly arrived. He examined the girl, measured her pulse and blood pressure. Here we also emphasize that there was a pulse; the information about the girl's cardiac arrest is false and untrue. The pulse was present, the blood pressure was quite normal," commented the Lviv Opera.

Afterward, the doctor, as informed by the theater representatives, ensured that the girl had not fallen and was not injured, and therefore, she could be moved to a more comfortable place.

"The girl regained consciousness quite quickly. We asked her if she felt well enough to move to a separate room on her own. When we received an affirmative answer from her, she was offered to move to the deputy administrator's office, which is not a technical room, so this information provided by the author of the post is false," emphasized the theater.

Following this, an ambulance arrived at the scene, and the doctors conducted additional examinations and took necessary measures to stabilize her condition, including a cardiogram. They confirmed that the patient had not suffered a cardiac arrest and did not require additional hospitalization.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA reported that the Lviv Opera was involved in another scandal - three artists of the theater did not return to Ukraine after a tour in Finland. While the entire staff returned to Lviv from abroad, leading ballet soloist Andriy Mykhalikha, ballet soloist Yulia Mykhalikha-Rom, and ballet dancer Bohdan Kliuchnyk apparently decided to stay in Europe. Later, the scandal continued.

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