
Moscow court issues a sentence for Ivleeva regarding the "naked party": the media found out what compatriots actually bullied her for and what the Kremlin has to do with it

Ivleeva received her sentence for the "naked party"

The scandal of TV presenter Anastasia Ivleeva's "naked party" in Moscow is coming to an end. In a week filled with harassment, "cancellations" and criticism, the artist went from mocking her haters to tears, a fine, and pleading guilty.

As the media found out, citing anonymous sources, the Kremlin was behind the bullying of the party guests and Ivleeva herself. The instructions were aimed at directing the people's anger from the authorities to the stars in order to distract them from the failures of the Russian Federation.

The day before, the TV presenter summoned to a Moscow court, where she humbly listened to the charges and the verdict. The judge sentenced Ivleeva to an administrative fine of 100,000 rubles (42,000 hryvnias).

Moscow court issues a sentence for Ivleeva regarding the ''naked party'': the media found out what compatriots actually bullied her for and what the Kremlin has to do with it

"During the party, there was a violation of public order in the form of citizens being naked, which offends human dignity, promotes non-traditional sexual relations, and approves foul language in a public place," the accusation read.

Meanwhile, The Moscow Times published an article with comments from anonymous sources in the government, the State Duma, and the presidential administration. All of them confirmed that the psychosis over the party, where celebrities wore vulgar looks, was caused artificially.

Moscow court issues a sentence for Ivleeva regarding the ''naked party'': the media found out what compatriots actually bullied her for and what the Kremlin has to do with it

It's not the first time that bloggers and artists have held trashy events in Russia, and some of them appeared on the stage in similar outfits, but it was Ivleeva's party that drew condemnation.

As explained, the order to persecute the stars, cancel their concerts and terminate their contracts was given directly from the Kremlin. This high-profile incident was used to channel Russians' anger at "bad celebrities" who were causing a bacchanal during the war.

Moscow court issues a sentence for Ivleeva regarding the ''naked party'': the media found out what compatriots actually bullied her for and what the Kremlin has to do with it

"Such a large-scale campaign to discredit these stars is already domestic politics. It is simply impossible without Putin's approval and without a team from the curator of domestic policy, Sergey Kiriyenko, and the curator of TV and state media, Alexey Gromov. The security forces and the FSB lobbied for this topic," the commentary says.

It is worth noting that the manipulation of Russians' minds was very successful. Almost everyone who was present in the club was either imprisoned, lost their jobs, or was cut out of the broadcast. All the artists who appeared at the "naked party" were severely bullied for a week and lost a lot of money.

As is already known, Ukrainian singer-songwriter Lolita's concerts will not take place in Russia because of her presence at the party. First, Russians returned tickets en masse, and later the events had to be canceled altogether. In the end, Milyavskaya decided to come to terms with the life of a housewife and pensioner, with mop in her hand.

Moscow court issues a sentence for Ivleeva regarding the ''naked party'': the media found out what compatriots actually bullied her for and what the Kremlin has to do with it

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