
"It is dangerous". Vasyl Shklyar explains why it is not the right time to recapture Crimea and Donbas

Vasyl Shklyar

The return of Crimea and Donbas to Ukraine is not the right time. The lost Ukrainian territories will eventually return to us, but not by military means.

This opinion was expressed by the famous Ukrainian writer Vasyl Shklyar. In an interview with OBOZ.UA, the writer noted that now - "in such harsh military circumstances" - we need to set ourselves realistic goals, not "engage in dreaming."

"I've already said it, but I'll repeat it: we shouldn't set such super-tasks," says Vasyl Shklyar, "We should really proceed from the circumstances that are developing. We should not engage in dreaming during the war, because in such harsh military circumstances it is dangerous. We need to set ourselves realistic expectations."

''It is dangerous''. Vasyl Shklyar explains why it is not the right time to recapture Crimea and Donbas

"For example, the first goal of our struggle should be to regain the territories we have lost, starting in 2022. As for Donbas and Crimea, I said long before the full-scale invasion that we need to build an attractive, successful Ukraine within our real borders. And during the geopolitical fractures that will inevitably occur in the 21st century, we will be able to annex all other Ukrainian territories. But on our own terms, not on someone else's," the writer continues.

Earlier, in his interviews, Vasyl Shklyar repeatedly noted that in the distant 90s he foresaw the inevitable participation of Donbas and Crimea in the split of Ukraine. In his opinion, after the declaration of independence, it was necessary to promote and integrate Ukrainian culture more actively in these regions.

"I suggested back then that we give up Crimea and Donbas because I knew that a violent confrontation could not be avoided. I am not a supporter of Ukraine from the Syan to the Don, and I believe that Ukraine needs those territories where the Ukrainian spirit prevails. In the 21st century, the country's territory should not be measured only in square kilometers," Shklyar said sharply during the war.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA wrote that Ukrainian writer and politician Vasyl Shklyar said that Ukraine does not need Crimea.

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