
It became known where the star of the TV series "Return of Mukhtar" Konstantin Kostyshyn got after mobilization

Kostyshyn: "I have a great team in the army"

The popular Ukrainian actor Kostyantyn Kostyshyn (The Return of Mukhtar, Nine Lives of Nestor Makhno, Favorite Children, Secrets, The Tale of Money, Ambulance, The Trap, Thank You for Everything) received a call from the military commissariat and stood up to defend the country. Currently, the actor is serving on the southern frontline.

Kostyshyn, 58, told about this in an interview. The actor mobilized to the Armed Forces last fall, but did not advertise it for a long time.

The actor's family met the full-scale invasion in the suburbs of the capital, and he and his family live in Bilohorodka: "In the first days, we spent almost all the time with our family in the basement, actually living there. Well, at least we spent the night there, that's for sure. On the third day, I decided to go and sign up for the terrorist defense. It was just like in the movies: I said goodbye to my wife, and she burst into tears. It was four kilometers from our house to the village council. There was no transportation, so I walked. They registered me. They said they would call me if I needed it."

"I came home, but I couldn't calm down," the actor continues, "There were explosions and shooting. I took a bucket and went to wash the car - I had to do something to occupy myself. Suddenly the door opens, my wife says: "We decided to leave!" I took her and her daughter to the highway, where relatives picked them up, and they went to western Ukraine and then moved to Germany. They returned home exactly one year later. It was very hard to be without a family, needless to say. In addition, our theater did not work for a long time. The Theater on Podil had already opened, as had Lesya Ukrainka's and Franko's, but ours had not. It got to the point where my colleagues started doing work that had nothing to do with acting, because they had to survive."

It became known where the star of the TV series ''Return of Mukhtar'' Konstantin Kostyshyn got after mobilization

In the fall, the actor resigned from the Theater on the Left Bank of the Dnipro, where he had worked for 32 years. He was almost immediately accepted into the Young Theater company, but did not have time to play a single performance there, because "exactly two weeks later he was drafted into the Armed Forces." Kostyshyn is serving in the south, but he does not want to say where exactly he is: "For security reasons, I can't tell you. I have a great team. I'm happy with my surroundings, they are really good guys. From time to time the army is surprised: "Oh, you're an actor?"

It became known where the star of the TV series ''Return of Mukhtar'' Konstantin Kostyshyn got after mobilization

Kostyantyn's family accepted the news of his mobilization with understanding: "But, like all living people, of course, they were very worried. His daughter Ivanka said: "I don't want you to go to war." However, at the same time, I see that she is proud of me. I call home every day. We have a rule: I call my mom and sister in the morning and my wife in the afternoon. Because there is a lot of work to do in a day, and you can't just sit down and talk, but you want to. From early morning until almost night, so it turns out that I am busy."

It became known where the star of the TV series ''Return of Mukhtar'' Konstantin Kostyshyn got after mobilization

In mid-February, the actor took his first vacation. When he arrived in Kyiv, he even managed to play in a play: "I managed to get on stage. I deliberately timed my vacation to coincide with our play Playing the Fool. It hadn't been performed for a long time, this play, and now I was immersed in this space again. It was nice."

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