
A "harem" of mistresses and an "inconvenient" son: what Belarusian dictator Lukashenko is hiding and why he tried to get rid of his child

What is known about Lukashenko's children and mistresses

The self-proclaimed president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, is an ardent pseudo-defender of traditional family values, but in reality he changes mistresses like gloves and even, according to some opposition journalists, disowned one of his heirs because of his congenital developmental problems. At the same time, the mustachioed dictator has a legal wife, but he has not lived with her for a very long time. Alexander Grigorievich is not going to divorce and is sincerely surprised when someone asks why. "I don't see the point," says Putin's henchman.

In total, Lukashenko has three children. The most famous of them is the youngest, Kolenka. But the two eldest, Viktor and Dmitry, were born to the Belarusian leader by his legal wife, Galina Rodionovna Lukashenko (née Zhelnerovich). OBOZREVATEL will tell you about her and other "favorites" of the dictator, as well as share a secret about his probable fourth child.

Galina Rodionovna lives in a private house in the Belarusian village of Ryzhkovichi. She works as a chief specialist in sanatorium and resort rehabilitation and treatment at the district executive committee of the town of Shklov. She is Lukashenko's high school sweetheart. She is the daughter of the head teacher, who entered the same university and the same history department as her boyfriend after high school. The couple had a rather stormy romance, but by the time of the first inauguration of the president of Belarus, their relationship had cooled down.

The last time the couple was seen together was in 1994 during a visit to Israel. It was in that year that Lukashenko was first elected president. That is, for almost 30 years, the spouses, if you can call them that, have been living apart and not communicating, but the odious self-proclaimed president is not going to end the marriage. Apparently, for him, this is the preservation of family values.

A ''harem'' of mistresses and an ''inconvenient'' son: what Belarusian dictator Lukashenko is hiding and why he tried to get rid of his child

As we have already noted above, Zhelnerovich gave birth to Lukashenko's two older sons, and it is still not officially known who the mother of his favorite Kolenka is. However, the media has long since agreed that it is Irina Abelskaya, a native of Brest. At the time of Kolya's birth, she was 29 years old, and the dictator was 50. After the first election, Abelskaya served as the president's personal physician.

A ''harem'' of mistresses and an ''inconvenient'' son: what Belarusian dictator Lukashenko is hiding and why he tried to get rid of his child

Soon she begins to regularly accompany the potato fuhrer to all public events and official meetings. In 2001, Irina was nominated for the position of chief physician at the hospital of the Presidential Administration, and her mother, Lyudmila Postolko, was appointed Minister of Health. Later, Lukashenko even awarded his third son's mother the Order of Honor.

A ''harem'' of mistresses and an ''inconvenient'' son: what Belarusian dictator Lukashenko is hiding and why he tried to get rid of his child

Although the information that Abelskaya is the mother of Kolya Lukashenko remains unconfirmed, and the woman herself keeps away from her alleged son, she seems to be happy with everything. A successful career, invitations to medical forums as a guest of honor, and many other privileges are guaranteed to Irina as long as Alexander Grigorievich holds the presidency, albeit illegally.

Kolya was lucky enough to become the dictator's favorite. He first appeared in public with his father at the age of three, and it was then that his existence became known. Lukashenko himself said at the time: "It's not a secret. What is there to hide? It's from the Lord God! How can you say about your mother or children that it's someone else's, it's not mine? This is a crime before God. I visited Vladimir Vladimirovich with my son, and Putin told me: "Oh, Alexander Grigorievich, this is a gift from God!"

A ''harem'' of mistresses and an ''inconvenient'' son: what Belarusian dictator Lukashenko is hiding and why he tried to get rid of his child

No one gave birth to any more children for the dictator. At least nothing is known about it. However, the self-proclaimed president's "harem" is only just beginning. In 2007, the singer Irina Dorofeeva was constantly spotted with Lukashenko. After meeting the president, the singer's career, as expected, took off. Moreover, Dorofeeva became an idol for Belarusians unwittingly: she was literally pushed everywhere she was wanted and not wanted. Her face was printed on bags, baseball caps, notebooks, and huge banners.

Dorofeeva herself accompanies the president to all public events, lives in the presidential residence during the Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk, and gives Lukashenko a song for his birthday: "My angel is incomparable, unearthly and unreal." In response, the dictator congratulates the singer on her birthday from the TV screen.

A ''harem'' of mistresses and an ''inconvenient'' son: what Belarusian dictator Lukashenko is hiding and why he tried to get rid of his child

Soon, however, Lukashenko switched to a younger representative of domestic show business, 18-year-old singer and actress Marta Golubeva. She danced with the president on the country's Independence Day in 2008. And at Miss Belarus 2016. Marta sat to the right of the head of state. However, another passion of the disgraced leader, Belteleradiocompany host Polina Shuba, sat on the left at the same pageant. She had previously appeared with Lukashenka at the World Ice Hockey Championship in Minsk. And at the first Vienna Ball in Belarus, Alexander Grigorievich danced a waltz with her.

By the way, Polina Shuba's business also took off after meeting Lukashenko. She is both a model and a TV presenter on the leading channels, who, among other things, is awarded the Televershina prize as the best host of a daily news program.

A ''harem'' of mistresses and an ''inconvenient'' son: what Belarusian dictator Lukashenko is hiding and why he tried to get rid of his child

After Polina, there was a 21-year-old student from Vitebsk, Kristina Nevereau. She won the beauty contest "Queen Spring 2016" in Vitebsk, organized by the BRSM, the Ministry of Education and the National School of Beauty. Another girl who has been seen with Lukashenka more than once is Alina Roskach. Here, too, the dictator did not change his traditions - he spotted the young beauty at a beauty contest.

"I do not sit with a soapy face among officials at any event. On one side is my son, on the other is a girl. My protocol service employs very beautiful girls who often ask to sit next to me," Putin's henchman and main fan once revealed.

A ''harem'' of mistresses and an ''inconvenient'' son: what Belarusian dictator Lukashenko is hiding and why he tried to get rid of his child

By the way, Lukashenko also had a "favorite" among his employees, Daria Shmanay. The president of Belarus himself said that she was "above the roof". She accompanied the Fuhrer to official receptions, sports and cultural events.

A ''harem'' of mistresses and an ''inconvenient'' son: what Belarusian dictator Lukashenko is hiding and why he tried to get rid of his child

Maria Vasilevich, Lukashenka's latest favorite, is the one who is generating the most interest in the media. She appeared in the media space after the self-proclaimed president attended (don't be surprised) the Miss Belarus 2018 pageant. Since then, the 21-year-old beauty has been constantly appearing in public with Alexander Grigorievich, who is her grandfather, and he keeps repeating to her: "Mashenka, my child."

The president's attention to the girl culminated when he personally trained her for the Miss World pageant in 2019. Lukashenka also taught his young lady how to chop wood and danced a waltz with her at the New Year's Eve ball. Moreover, among other "perks" from the country's leader, Vasilevich was awarded the Spiritual Revival Prize "for her significant contribution to the development of international cultural cooperation and active charitable work."

A ''harem'' of mistresses and an ''inconvenient'' son: what Belarusian dictator Lukashenko is hiding and why he tried to get rid of his child

And while someone continues to doubt that "Mashenka" is reaching the top thanks to Lukashenko, she unexpectedly becomes a member of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus (the lower house of the republican parliament) of the new convocation.

There is also a list of less popular girls with whom the lover of young beauties was seen at one time or another. However, let's remember the dictator's children, or rather one particular child whom Lukashenko allegedly abandoned. The relevant investigation was conducted and published by Belarusian opposition journalists of the Nexta resource.

Thus, they found out that Lukashenko has a mentally retarded son, who was hidden from the public in an orphanage and is still hidden. The boy was allegedly born in 2002 by the same Irina Abelskaya, Kolenka's alleged mother. The child was born with developmental disabilities - mental retardation, autism, and underdeveloped ear canals (deaf and dumb). The "father" panicked that his "inconvenient" son would harm his political career, so he decided to get rid of him. The boy was registered under his mother's maiden name, Matvii Postolko, and hidden in an orphanage "away from prying eyes."

Currently, Matvey is allegedly being hidden in the psychoneurological boarding house for the elderly and disabled #2 in Minsk. Rumor has it that Lukashenka, upon learning of Abelskaya's pregnancy, beat her unconscious.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL wrote that the Russian president does not recognize his children, and the Kremlin denies any information about the dictator's heirs. Thus, in addition to two daughters from his first marriage and one illegitimate daughter, Putin, according to foreign and Russian journalists, has sons from gymnast Alina Kabayeva, who is called his mistress.

Only verified information is available on our Obozrevatel Telegram channel, Threads, and Viber. Don't fall for fakes!

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