
"Both the president and the mayor knew". Kostyantyn Hrubych suggested why the killer of his daughter Olya has not yet been found

Olya Hrubych died at the age of 17

TV presenter Kostyantyn Hrubych (1+1 Ukraine) lost his daughter Olya almost ten years ago, who died in a car accident in Kyiv. The culprit of the tragedy has not yet been found - the car disappeared from the scene.

In an interview with OBOZ.UA, the TV journalist admitted that he has a lot of complaints against law enforcement. He also explained why he believes that disclosing the name of the perpetrator of the accident could push him to commit a crime.

Olya Hrubych had an accident in June 2014. The girl was returning home around midnight. An unknown car hit the 17-year-old daughter of a TV presenter on a pedestrian crossing. After the tragedy, law enforcement agencies asked Kyiv residents to help find the culprit of the accident. It was known that the car had been hit by a light-colored car. As a result of the accident, the car's windshield, hood, and left headlight were smashed. However, no more information about what happened was published in the public domain.

''Both the president and the mayor knew''. Kostyantyn Hrubych suggested why the killer of his daughter Olya has not yet been found

"I still can't get over it, as soon as I think about it, I feel sad," Kostyantyn Hrubych admits in an interview with OBOZ.UA. "I try to distract myself from heavy thoughts... You have to do something constantly, be needed by someone, be in the process. Preferably in some good deeds. And then it will be a little easier. But time does not heal at all - these are fables. It is impossible to forget anything. Very often I want to see her, to talk to her. You think what she would be like now, who she was... But it's impossible."

The TV presenter explained why he was afraid to learn the name of the person who brought such a tragedy to their family: "This is one of the rough edges of our family relationship, because I don't want to, and my wife is the opposite. Even so: I want to do it too, but what good will it do? Perhaps even God is protecting me from this knowledge, because it could push me to commit a crime. With our rotten law enforcement system, to which I have a lot of complaints... I won't just sit there. I believe that this is a worn-out case. The whole country knew about this case, the president, the mayor, everyone. It was not so difficult to establish what happened on that road. Either that person paid off or something like that. We still haven't been told whether the case is closed or open."

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