
Alina Kabaeva loved him very much: how Murat Nasirov died and why Putin is accused in the death of the famous singer

Vladimir Putin is accused in the death of Murat Nasirov

On January 19, 2007, the body of the famous singer Murat Nasirov was found under the windows of a Khrushchev building in Moscow. The singer of the hits "The Boy Wants to Go to Tambov" and "I Am You, You Are Me" was only 37 years old. He was just preparing for a wedding with his common-law wife, concerts in his native Kazakhstan, and the release of a new album after a rather long hiatus. That is why the version of the suicide of the idol of millions seemed absurd to many of his fans and colleagues. Rumor has it that Nasirov was "ordered," and the customer was none other than the dictatorial president Vladimir Putin.

One might wonder what connects the talented singer of the audience's favorite hits and the Kremlin leader. It turns out that there is a connection between them, and her name is Alina Kabaeva. Putin's secret mistress and the alleged mother of his sons once had an affair with Nasirov. And this is what later played a cruel joke on the musician. OBOZ.UA has collected all the known information about the possible involvement of the president of the terrorist country in the singer's death. 

The artist's producer, Arman Davletiarov, was one of those who proved that Nasirov could not have committed suicide. The singer was indeed going through a difficult period at the time, associated with a creative crisis: he was not writing hits, and the number of performances had decreased. However, the musician still managed to get out of this hole. The black streak in his life seemed to give way to a white one. Nasirov was preparing to release a new album and give concerts in Almaty. He was also preparing for a wedding with his common-law wife, with whom he had two children together.

Alina Kabaeva loved him very much: how Murat Nasirov died and why Putin is accused in the death of the famous singer

Suddenly, the lifeless body of a 37-year-old star is found under the windows of a five-story building. Some say that his death was a senseless accident, while others do not deviate from the suicide version. It is interesting that, at first, the press stated that an icon was found in Nasirov's hands. This was supposed to convince fans that the singer had committed suicide. However, soon after, the icon was "quietly" replaced with a photo of the singer. Apparently, this happened after producer Davletiarov reported, "Nasirov was a convinced Muslim... Suicide was an unacceptable step for him."

Alina Kabaeva loved him very much: how Murat Nasirov died and why Putin is accused in the death of the famous singer

Already in 2021, the versions of a "senseless accident" and "suicide" were supplemented by another one - Nasirov was killed on Putin's orders. To begin with, in the early 2000s, the singer had a short-term affair with the gymnast Alina Kabaeva. There is even an archival video on the Internet showing the Olympic champion dancing around Murat with a smile while he sings a song about her. Yes, yes, it is about her. The song called "Alina" did not become a big hit, but it was definitely a favorite in Kabaeva's personal rating.

The Telegram channel "General SVR" published insider information, the authenticity of which cannot be verified, but there is no reason not to believe it either. Thus, the publication stated: "In 2006, Kabayeva, who had already retired from big-time sports at the time, developed a love affair with Vladimir Putin. The relationship develops in complete secrecy, and Kabaeva finds herself under the close guardianship of the president's confidants from the FSO. And here the old saying 'My tongue is my enemy' played a cruel joke on Kabaeva and, as a result, on Nasirov. In conversations with her friends, Kabayeva had the indiscretion to share her memories of her affair with Murat Nasirov and called him the best man she had ever had and said that she still loved him."

Alina Kabaeva loved him very much: how Murat Nasirov died and why Putin is accused in the death of the famous singer

In the same conversation with her friends, the gymnast allegedly shared that Murat Nasirov was very similar to her father, Marat Vazikhovich. The recordings of these conversations were provided to Putin in late November 2006. A few days later, the dictator asked the then the director of the Russian Federal Security Service, Nikolai Patrushev, to "resolve the issue with Nasirov once and for all."

Putin was motivated to take such extreme measures not so much by jealousy as by his own complexes. He is Kabayeva's father figure, shorter than her, and yet she claims that Murat Nasirov was the best man in her life.

Alina Kabaeva loved him very much: how Murat Nasirov died and why Putin is accused in the death of the famous singer

According to the insider report, FSS officers began to fulfill the task. They began surveillance of the singer, which took more than a month. They found out that he was not going through the best period in his career, and so they decided to stage a suicide, allegedly on the grounds of depression due to a creative crisis.

Whether Putin was really involved in the musician's death is still unknown. However, fans find this version more plausible than the previous ones. People are still discussing online that all individuals unwanted by the Kremlin dictator somehow mysteriously fall out of windows or die under other mysterious circumstances.

Alina Kabaeva loved him very much: how Murat Nasirov died and why Putin is accused in the death of the famous singer
Alina Kabaeva loved him very much: how Murat Nasirov died and why Putin is accused in the death of the famous singer

As OBOZ.UA previously wrote, some sources claim that Alina Kabaeva gave birth to their first child together in 2015, and then another in 2019. Others claim that in 2019, not just one boy was born, but two at once - twins. In this article, we have collected all the known information about Putin's sons and revealed what "inconvenient" truth the Kremlin is hiding.

Only verified information is available on our Telegram channel OBOZ.UA and Viber. Don't fall for fakes!

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