
A sensual anthem for all women: Iryna Bilyk presents Ukrainian-language version of the song "Snow"

Iryna Bilyk has made an incredible Christmas present for her fans - she has presented a Ukrainian-language version of her legendary hit song "Snow", which has become a classic of the new era of Ukrainian music.

"I knew that the song 'Snow' had to live on. And heavenly providence sent me new words! I had such strong emotions that I listen to the updated version of the legendary and beloved song again and again. I wish you to feel everything I feel now," Iryna Bilyk comments on the release.

The singer wrote the song "Snow" in 2003. But even 20 years later, it is as relevant as ever. The lyrics, which Iryna translated herself, have become even more sensual and full of new meanings.

"I don't like February because it took you away forever" - this line will certainly resonate with all women in Ukraine who lost not only their carefree lives, but also their dearest people. But, despite the pain of loss and sadness, they are all moving forward with courage.

"Snow" is the first single from the upcoming Ukrainian-language album of Iryna Bilyk's greatest hits throughout her career, which is being produced by Yuriy Nikitin and his label mamamusic. The release is scheduled for the first half of 2024.

The creative history of Iryna Bilyk and Yurii Nikitin began in 1990. More than 30 years have passed, and now they have teamed up again to create a truly "golden" record that will be played in the playlists of millions of Ukrainians.

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