

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson

politician, former British prime minister
15 articles
Short biography

Boris Johnson (full name Alexander Boris de Pfeffel-Johnson) is a former British Prime Minister.

Brief Biography

Boris Johnson was born in New York City on June 19, 1964.

In the 1970s, the Johnson family went to Brussels, where his father was appointed one of Europe's earliest environmental commissioners. Boris Johnson also received his primary education in Brussels.

Later the Johnson family moved to England. There Johnson continued his education at the famous Eton School.

Higher education the future prime minister received in Oxford, where he studied at the oldest college of the university - Balliol.

After graduating from Oxford, Boris Johnson successfully began his career as a journalist, having taken a job at the Daily Telegraph in 1987.

In 1998 Johnson began working with the BBC, working with the entertainment news show Have I Got News for You as a guest star.

In 2001, Boris Johnson won the British parliamentary elections and was elected to the House of Commons of the British Parliament.

In 2004 Boris Johnson was appointed head of the Ministry of Culture in the "shadow" government of England.

In 2005 Johnson was successfully re-elected to parliament again.

And in 2008, Boris Johnson won a landslide victory in the election of Mayor of London and later also re-elected as Mayor in 2012. Thanks to Johnson's work as head of the British capital in 2012, London successfully hosted the summer Olympic Games. In addition, in the media and the Internet, Johnson in the chair of the mayor of London became famous for the fact that he rode a bicycle to work.

In 2015, Johnson was re-elected to the House of Commons, and was forced to combine his parliamentary duties with the position of mayor of London for a year.

However, in 2016 he joined the new British government formed by Theresa May and took the post of Foreign Secretary - where he distinguished himself by a number of high-profile scandals and very odious statements.

Johnson left the Foreign Office in 2018 due to his critical disagreement with the government on Brexit.

Shortly after Theresa May announced her resignation, Boris Johnson submitted his candidacy for her position as head of the Conservative Party of Britain. By a wide margin, winning all six ballots, Johnson became the new head of the Conservatives and consequently the new British Prime Minister.

Boris Johnson's books

In total, Johnson has four books. The most popular of them is considered "The Churchill Factor. How One Man Changed History. Apart from it the politician also wrote:

  • "London by Johnson. About the people who made the city that made the world."

  • "With a Dream of Rome."

  • "I have something to tell you."

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