
China has deployed four warships in the waters around Taiwan: Media explain what's happening

Oleksiy LutykovWorld
China has deployed four warships in the waters around Taiwan

The Chinese Navy has deployed four warships in the waters around Taiwan. It is noteworthy that Beijing has maintained such a military presence since the visit of U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan in August 2022.

According to preliminary data, in this way China is trying to prevent the military and other forces from approaching the island nation. This was reported by the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun.

Several Japanese government officials said that after large-scale military exercises around Taiwan in August 2022, China began to permanently deploy four frigates in the waters around the island nation.

The Chinese warships are located off Yonaguni Island, one between Yonaguni Island and the Philippines, and one ship in the waters southwest and north of Taiwan. In addition, another ship is permanently stationed northwest of the Senkaku Islands.

It is likely that through such maneuvers, China is trying to strengthen its ability to prevent access to Taiwan and limit the military activities of other countries in its neighborhood. Beijing's strategy is aimed at preventing the US military from penetrating the first island chain, which connects the Nanxi Islands and the Philippines.

It is argued that the first chain of islands almost coincides with the positions of Chinese warships that are permanently deployed near the border of the Chinese air defense zone and to the east of Taiwan.

As a reminder, Chinese President Xi Jinping promised to "return" Taiwan in his New Year's address. He called "reunification" with the island nation a "historical necessity."

Earlier it was reported that the ruling party candidate Lai Chinte won the presidential election in Taiwan on January 13 with 40.2% of the vote. He advocates a separate identity for Taiwan and rejects China's territorial claims.

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