
Russia admits that a Ukrainian drone damaged three Tu-22M3s at the Dyagilevo airfield: details

The aftermath of an attack on the Dyagilevo airfield near Ryazan in December 2022

Russia has acknowledged damage to three Tu-22M3 strategic bombers at the Dyagilevo airfield during a drone attack late last year. A Ukrainian Soviet-made Tu-141 Strizh drone struck an airfield in the Ryazan region on December 5, 2022, and caused serious damage to the occupants.

The invaders also admitted that, in addition to aircraft, on that day, one Kh-32 missile was destroyed, two buildings of the squadrons' engineering and aviation services and two cars were destroyed, there were dead and wounded among the occupiers. About this writes the military portal Defense Express.

After the drone attack on the Dyagilevo airbase in the Ryazan region on December 5, 2022, Russia was convinced that it did not cause significant damage. However, in September, 9 months after the attack, Russian propagandists spread reports revealing the real results of the strike.

The propagandists spread the news that the Russian Investigative Committee, based on data from the FSB and the Russian Defense Ministry, announced the suspicion and international wanted list of Colonel Serhiy Burdenyuk. This Ukrainian military officer is the commander of the 383rd regiment of remotely piloted unmanned aerial vehicles.

According to the occupants' version, Colonel Burdenyuk organized several "illegal incursions" of drones into Russian airspace, as a result of which strategic bombers and servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces were "affected".

The propagandists then gave examples of attacks for which, in the opinion of the security services of the aggressor State, a Ukrainian colonel should be held responsible. And it turns out that they are talking about the same attacks, immediately after which the Russians were convinced that the strikes were fruitless.

In particular, propagandists recall the case when on October 7, 2022, a Ukrainian UJ-22 Airborne drone, equipped with a fragmentation-fusion combat unit, flew to the Russian airfield Shaykovka. It exploded at an altitude of 10 meters above the bomber parking lot. Only "chance", the aggressor state notes, saved the strategic aircraft from destruction or serious damage.

On December 5, the occupants did not wait for such a "miracle" at the Dyagilevo airbase. Then, the propagandists write with reference to a statement by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Ukraine used a Soviet Tu-141 Strizh drone converted into a kamikaze drone. And it not only flew to the airbase, but also caused considerable damage.

The Russians complain that the attack damaged three Tu-22M3 bombers, one X-32 missile, two buildings of the squadrons' engineering and aviation services and two cars. Three occupants were killed and seven others were wounded.

At the same time, propagandists say, the list of successful drone attacks on Russian territory is not exhausted by these episodes.

As a reminder, on August 30, Russia faced the most powerful UAV attack on military facilities. Explosions were reported in several Russian regions, as well as in Russian-occupied Sevastopol.

In particular, as a result of the night attack on Pskov, several IL-76s were destroyed and damaged .

Subsequently, pictures of destroyed and damaged aircraft at the airfield in Pskov appeared online.

In total, Ukrainian drones attacked Russia and Crimea more than 190 times in 2023.

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