
"May become the largest source of radiation in the world": Zelenskyy warned the UN about the consequences of the Russian occupation of Zaporizhzhia NPP

Russia systematically attacks Ukraine's energy sector. Source: PROSECUTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has emphasized the serious threat posed by the Russian occupation of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP). According to him, the risk of a nuclear incident remains extremely high, and this could turn ZNPP into the largest source of radiation not only in Europe but also in the world.

The President made this statement during his speech at the UN General Assembly. The event was broadcast by the Office of the President.

Zelenskyy emphasized that most countries represented here understand the danger when the troops of the aggressor country are at a nuclear power plant. Only the complete withdrawal of Russian soldiers from the territory of ZNPP will ensure a minimum level of security.

"The Russian army cannot gain significant advantages on the battlefield. Putin is looking for other ways to break the spirit of the Ukrainians' struggle. One of his targets is our infrastructure, and the Russians continue to attack our energy sector," he added.

Zelenskyy noted that the Russian army is systematically attacking Ukraine's energy sector, trying to leave millions of people without heat in the winter. So far, the Russian army has destroyed the entire heat distribution and heat generation infrastructure of Ukraine.

The President also said that according to Ukrainian intelligence, Putin is preparing new attacks on Ukraine's nuclear reactors. The purpose of these actions is to disconnect the reactors from the energy system of Ukraine and neighboring countries, which further increases the risk of a nuclear disaster.

"I have recently received a report from our intelligence and Putin is again planning attacks on our nuclear reactor and infrastructure to disconnect nuclear reactors from the supply system of Ukraine and neighboring states," he emphasized.

The Head of State added that Ukraine needs protection as nuclear safety risks are growing.

The day before, Zelenskyy said that Russia intends to attack three Ukrainian nuclear power plants (NPPs). He emphasized the danger posed by Russian aggression, stressing that the Russian dictator violates international norms and rules.

As a reminder, Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko said that Russian strikes on Ukraine's power grid could cause a radiation crisis at one of the three operating nuclear power plants if key power hubs are destroyed. Such actions could lead to an uncontrolled release of radiation, which poses a threat not only to Ukraine but also to EU countries.

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