
Tamagotchi 2.0: scientists have created a living clock that needs to be fed with real food

Artem BatechkoNews
Tamagotchi 2.0: scientists have created a living clock that needs to be fed with real food

Gadgets are constant companions for most people. But as soon as a device breaks down or a new model appears on store shelves, people simply throw them in the trash and replace them with new ones without hesitation. But the fastest growing category of waste is electronics.

According to Uchicago, researchers at the University of California have created a smartwatch that runs on single-cell microorganisms. The so-called "slime mold" needs to be regularly fed with a mixture of water and oats. When the organism is healthy, it begins to grow and closes an electrical circuit, which acts as a kind of conductor and "living" mechanism for the clock. Thus, by "reviving" the device, scientists wanted to influence the attitude of a person to technology.

Studies have been conducted that have shown how simple use of gadgets turns into a mutually beneficial relationship, because the user requires nutrition and care.

According to people, the use of this device is more like a partnership because they had to take care of it. There is a kind of attachment because the gadget is alive and cannot be thrown away or even put in a closet. If you stop feeding the organism, it dries up, slugs hibernate for days, months or even years, but can be revived when food is restored. According to the people involved in this scientific work, some kind of attachment to the watch was evoked, it is more than a virtual pet that can be thrown away after death or simply erased, like in a computer game.

By bringing devices to life in this way, scientists set out to draw people's attention to gadgets, not as consumers, but to focus on the aspect of caring for them. To change people's attitude to technology, thus preventing such a problem as e-waste.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL reported how to disable background apps and their updates on Android and iPhone. This will save battery power.

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