
Prada space suit: a fashionable space suit for the moon landing is presented. Photo

Inna VasilyukNews
The AxEMU spacesuit that Artemis astronauts will wear on the Moon. Source: axiomspace.com

At the International Astronautical Congress in Milan, the Axiom Extravehicular Mobility Unit (AxEMU) space suit for the NASA Artemis III mission to the Moon was presented. In addition to numerous technical advantages, this time they also took care of the space suit's stylish appearance.

Axiom Space has created a new space suit in collaboration with the Italian fashion house Prada. According to the developers, fashion designers were responsible for ensuring that the suit visually inspired future space explorers, Space.com reports.

Features of the new spacesuit

The AxEMU spacesuit was specially designed for the south pole of the Moon. According to scientists, it is colder there than at the equator, where the astronauts of the Apollo mission landed.

The developers claim that the new space suit can withstand extremely low temperatures for at least two hours. And in outer space, it will be possible to stay in it for more than eight hours.

According to Axiom, the suit has several backup systems and an onboard diagnostic system for the safety of crew members. It is equipped with a backlight and an HD camera on the helmet, 4G/LTE communication, a suit control interface, biometric monitoring, a regenerated carbon dioxide purifier, and a portable life support system that ensures the safety of astronauts for up to eight hours.

Interestingly, the new suit is designed for both men and women. "It's important to us that the first woman to set foot on the moon will wear this suit, the first person of color on the moon will wear this suit, and the first non-American will wear this suit," Axiom Space President Matt Ondler said.

Axiom Space says it has been improving the AxEMU space suit and conducting tests for the past two years. Now the development is in its final stages and should be fully ready in 2025. The launch of NASA's Artemis 3 mission is scheduled for 2026.

Cooperation with Prada

The partnership with Prada was noted as a success of cross-sectoral cooperation.

"This collaboration is an example of the opportunity to co-create the best technological solutions by combining Axiom Space's elite engineering expertise with Prada's comprehensive craftsmanship. We have blended engineering, science, and art to produce the best possible garment, ensuring that astronauts can complete their tasks and missions in safety and comfort," said Axiom's Executive Vice President of Extravehicular Activities Russell Ralston.

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