
New iOS 18 operating system 'kills' iPhone batteries - NY Post

Nadiya DanyshchukNews
New iOS 18 has started to quickly "kill" iPhone batteries

iPhone users are outraged by the latest software update and claim that the performance of smartphones has drastically deteriorated. Overly persistent customers who rushed to update the operating system of their iPhones to iOS 18, released on September 16, claim that it drains the batteries of the devices too quickly.

About this writes the New York Post. The publication notes that on the second day after the release of the new iOS 18 users began to complain in social networks that it "kills" the smartphone battery.

Thus, one iPhone owner said that even when he did not use the smartphone, after two hours, the battery of his device went from 80% to 67%.

Users have noted that after installation, the new OS runs a lot of background processes on the iPhone, from indexing to battery recalibration, and this can take hours or even days. The result is increased battery consumption.

However, once smartphone adaptation and battery recalibration is complete, things usually return to normal.

According to advice from ZDNet, iPhone users facing this problem can try rebooting their devices and updating apps. The site also recommends reducing screen brightness, resetting Network settings, using "dark mode," or turning off Wi-Fi Assist, a feature that automatically switches to mobile internet when Wi-Fi provides too slow a connection.

The problem should eventually resolve itself over time after the update is complete.

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