
Hyundai's new low-cost electric car shown before the premiere

Stas SidilevNews
Ioniq 6 is being actively tested. Source: CarSpyMedia

The inexpensive Hyundai Ioniq 6 electric car has become a hit on the market. The company has prepared a modernized version of the model for 2025. The car was shown in a photo before the premiere.

Even through the camouflage of the test prototype, it is noticeable that this is an electric sedan Hyundai Ioniq 6. But its body is hidden so we can't see the design. It is obvious that we are looking at a restyled car. The novelty is shown by CarSpyMedia.

About two and a half years have passed since the car's debut. In a few more months, the right time will come for the presentation of the modernized car.

Hyundai Ioniq 6.

First of all, they will change the appearance. Otherwise, the company would not have tried so hard to hide the body details of the new Hyundai Ioniq 6 for the 2025 model year. Traditionally, the interim update will bring changes to the front and rear design. There will be different bumpers, modified air intakes, and possibly new exterior lighting.

There will also be an expanded color palette for the body and other wheels. Changes are also expected in the interior with new finishing materials and a larger infotainment monitor.

The technical part should remain at the same level. We are talking about 225 and 320 horsepower powerplants with a battery pack with a capacity of 84 kWh. The lineup is expected to include a new top-of-the-line version of the Hyundai Ioniq 6 N with a capacity of 641 hp.

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