
What to plant in November: interesting options for a summer residence

Alina MilsentNews
What to plant in the garden in the fall. Source:

It would seem that in November, gardeners and vegetable growers can finally take a break. However, experts emphasize that it is still possible to plant some crops in the last month of autumn. First of all, it all depends on the weather – you should mainly focus on the soil condition and the presence of frost.

If the soil is not frozen, the beds have sufficient moisture but have not turned into mud, and weather forecasters do not predict prolonged frosts in the next few weeks, you can start planting. What plants are worth planting in November - read the article by OBOZ.UA.


The optimum temperature for planting tulips is between +7 and +10 ° C. Don't be afraid of low temperatures – they help to avoid the most dangerous disease of tulips, gray rot, which is caused by the botrytis fungus.

Please note that premature planting often provokes autumn sprouting of the peduncle, which is damaged by winter frosts.

What to plant in November: interesting options for a summer residence

Tulips should be planted in a sunny bed or in partial shade but without drafts. Well-drained, fertile soils are suitable for tulips. Drainage can be provided with sand or peat.


What to plant in November: interesting options for a summer residence

Daffodils should be planted in November if the temperature has not dropped below +10°C. These flowers tolerate sun or partial shade. The best soil for daffodils is loam. Gardeners advise adding a little sand or peat to the hole before planting to improve the drainage of excess water. Daffodils do not like acidic soils.

Apple trees

Apple trees can be planted in early November if the weather is warm and there are no frosts. For late planting, it is better to choose winter-hardy varieties – they have more chances.

As a general rule, an apple tree should have a space of 3x3 meters, except for dwarf varieties. You should take care of a sufficient amount of sun. Young trees will not grow well in partial shade but will begin to bend towards light and warmth.

What to plant in November: interesting options for a summer residence

Well-drained soils with a pH close to 7 are suitable for apple trees. The best yields will grow on fertile sandy soils and loams with a pH of 6 to 7.

Berry crops

In November, you can still have time to plant berry bushes: gooseberries, white, black, and red currants, blackberries, and more exotic goji and irgi. You should choose winter-hardy varieties. These are usually light-loving crops that can be grown on any soil, but the best yields can be obtained on slightly acidic soils. Blackberries grow well on sandy, loamy, and chernozem soils with a pH of 5.5-6.5.


What could be better than homemade refreshing rhubarb compote? You should take care of planting in November. Rhubarb is a very cold-resistant perennial crop, so you will have regular harvests for many years.

Rhubarb should be planted in a sunny to partial shade. It is a rather large plant, so leave at least 80 cm of space. Light, slightly acidic fertile soils are suitable. When planting in the fall, it is recommended to deepen the seeds by 2-3 cm and not to water them – natural moisture will be enough.


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