
Scientists have recreated the eerie sounds of the North and South Poles of the Earth "turning over" 41 thousand years ago. Video

Inna VasilyukNews
Scientists have mapped the Earth's magnetic field using a number of satellites. Source: DailyMail

The Earth's poles flipped 41,000 years ago as a result of an unusual event when the magnetic field weakened, allowing cosmic rays to strike the atmosphere. Scientists have managed to recreate the eerie sounds of this "flip".

Scientists used satellites to map the rays hitting our planet. The recorded sounds were similar to wood breaking and stones crumbling, writes DailyMail.

The sounds of the pole reversal were projected using data from European Space Agency satellites. The researchers mapped the movement of the Earth's magnetic field lines and created a version of the stereo sound using natural noise.

According to scientists, the Earth's North and South poles turn over every 200,000-300,000 years.

Scientists have analyzed data on the Earth's magnetic field for 9000 years and found that over the past 180 years, the strength of the Earth's magnetic field has decreased by 10%. However, there is no evidence that the poles may be reversed.

It is known that the magnetic field protects our planet from the solar wind. If the poles were to flip, it could wreak havoc on the electrical grid and expose all life on Earth to more solar radiation, scientists say.

"The Earth's magnetic field, which has existed for at least 3.45 billion years, provides protection from the direct effects of solar radiation. Even with the Earth's strong magnetic field today, we are still vulnerable to solar storms that could damage our electricity-based society," said Professor Roberts of the Australian National University.

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