
Netflix won't work on iOS 16: which iPhone models are left behind

Yulia PoteriankoNews
The streaming app will no longer update on some older Apple devices. Source: Freepik

Netflix movies and TV series are convenient to watch on different gadgets, including smartphones. But soon this opportunity will not be available to a certain number of iPhone owners.

According to MacRumors, the Netlix app will soon no longer be supported on iOS 16 and iPadOS 16 operating systems. Users who want to continue using it will have to upgrade to iOS 17, iPadOS 17 or later to get new updates, features and bug fixes.

This means that iOS 16 users cannot upgrade to the version of the program that implements the change. This mainly affects iPhone X owners, as well as those still using the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus.

The same problem will affect Pro (1st generation) and iPad (5th generation) owners. They are the ones who are still using the iPadOS 16 version, as iPadOS 17 has stopped supporting these models.

This doesn't mean that the Netflix app will completely stop working on all the listed devices. It will still be available and will still work. However, they will no longer be able to download updated features and they will no longer have access to bug fixes. In its current form, the program will still work for them until it is declared obsolete and support is discontinued.

However, even then, it will be possible to view the platform's content from a mobile device. But you'll need to use the browser-based version.

Here's a list of Apple devices for which Netflix updates won't be available:

  • iPhone 8
  • iPhone 8 Plus
  • iPhone X
  • iPad Pro (1st generation)
  • iPad (5th generation)

Lines of code indicating the upcoming change were discovered in the Netflix app by MacRumors community member Aaron Perris. It is not known which update will stop support for the aforementioned Apple devices, but given that the lines of code are in the latest version, the update is likely to be released soon.

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