
How to protect car windshield from icing: a quick trick from Iceland

Yulia PoteriankoNews
Common vegetables that can be found in any supermarket will help protect it from icing

The sub-zero temperatures we're about to experience in Ukraine mean that drivers need to deal with car windshield icing. And an unusual life hack from cold Iceland, where people know how to behave in cold weather, comes to their aid.

The Mirror published a tip from an Icelandic car rental company that recommends using something that can be found if not in your own kitchen, then in the nearest supermarket for sure. We are talking about onions. Northern European experts say that this vegetable can not only make you cry but also be effective in the fight against ice.

If the weather forecast promises you night and morning frost, take an onion the night before, cut it in half and generously rub the windshield with it. Onion juice has a lower freezing point than water, so it will reduce the amount of frost on your car windows.

However, some people may be off-put by the smell of onions. In this case, the Icelanders recommend doing the same trick with potatoes.

If you prefer de-icing agents in sprays, make your own from ordinary vinegar and water in a 3:1 ratio. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and treat your car windows with it in the evening and in the morning before cleaning them with a brush.

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