Harvest will be in April: how to grow cucumbers at home on the windowsill
Growing cucumbers at home, particularly on the windowsill, is becoming increasingly popular among gardeners. It is an affordable and convenient way to get fresh vegetables without leaving home.
However, in order to get a good harvest, it is important to follow the right planting conditions and technology. One of the main conditions is the right choice of cucumber variety, as well as the creation of appropriate conditions for plant growth. Experts have revealed the main stages of growing cucumbers on the windowsill and provided basic tips for a successful result.
How to grow cucumbers on a windowsill: planting and care technology
Growing cucumbers on your windowsill is a great way to get fresh and tasty vegetables without leaving your home. This process is not too complicated, the main thing is to follow certain rules and recommendations.
Parthenocarpic hybrids that do not require pollination are best suited for growing cucumbers on a windowsill. Among them are varieties such as Cucaracho, Zozulya, Manul, and April. You can also use pollinated hybrids, but in this case, you will have to pollinate the flowers manually.
The soil for growing cucumbers should be loose and nutritious. You can buy a ready-made soil mix or prepare it yourself by mixing turf and humus in equal proportions. Add wood ash and mineral fertilizers to the mixture.
Sowing seeds and growing seedlings
Cucumber seeds must be selected and processed before sowing. To do this, they are soaked in a saline solution, and then washed and pickled with a solution of potassium permanganate. After that, the seeds are placed on a saucer with damp paper for germination.
The germinated seeds are sown in small pots to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Until germination, the pots are covered with foil or glass and the air temperature is maintained at 20°C. After emergence, the temperature is lowered to 15-16°C, and the plants are moved closer to the light.
Cucumber seedlings are grown for 30-45 days. During this time, they need to be watered and fed regularly.
Transplanting seedlings and caring for plants
The finished seedlings are transplanted into larger pots or boxes, with a drainage layer on the bottom. The plants are placed on a windowsill or balcony, providing them with enough light and heat.
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