
A Russian missile damaged the building of the Islamic Cultural Center in Kyiv. All the details, photos and videos

Dmitry KropivnitskyNews
Consequences of the barbaric Russian attack
Consequences of the barbaric Russian attack

In Kyiv, on Monday, September 2, a Russian missile attack damaged the building of the Islamic Cultural Center of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The mosque located in it was also damaged.

This was reported by the head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov on his Facebook page. Fortunately, no one was injured at this location.

"This morning, as a result of another massive missile attack on Kyiv by Russian barbarians, the building of the Islamic Cultural Center of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (mosque in Nyvky) was significantly damaged. The building of the Islamic Center, especially the mosque located in it, will need repair," said Chubarov.

A Russian missile damaged the building of the Islamic Cultural Center in Kyiv. All the details, photos and videos
A Russian missile damaged the building of the Islamic Cultural Center in Kyiv. All the details, photos and videos
A Russian missile damaged the building of the Islamic Cultural Center in Kyiv. All the details, photos and videos
A Russian missile damaged the building of the Islamic Cultural Center in Kyiv. All the details, photos and videos

He added that, according to the Deputy Mufti of Muslims of Crimea, military chaplain Suleiman Khairullayev, fortunately, there were no casualties.

"Another evidence that Russia is a country of absolute evil," Chubarov emphasized.

A Russian missile damaged the building of the Islamic Cultural Center in Kyiv. All the details, photos and videos
A Russian missile damaged the building of the Islamic Cultural Center in Kyiv. All the details, photos and videos
A Russian missile damaged the building of the Islamic Cultural Center in Kyiv. All the details, photos and videos
A Russian missile damaged the building of the Islamic Cultural Center in Kyiv. All the details, photos and videos
A Russian missile damaged the building of the Islamic Cultural Center in Kyiv. All the details, photos and videos
A Russian missile damaged the building of the Islamic Cultural Center in Kyiv. All the details, photos and videos

It should be added that the missile fragments destroyed an office building located next to the Islamic Cultural Center. In addition, several cars of the charitable organization were damaged and destroyed.

A Russian missile damaged the building of the Islamic Cultural Center in Kyiv. All the details, photos and videos
A Russian missile damaged the building of the Islamic Cultural Center in Kyiv. All the details, photos and videos
A Russian missile damaged the building of the Islamic Cultural Center in Kyiv. All the details, photos and videos
A Russian missile damaged the building of the Islamic Cultural Center in Kyiv. All the details, photos and videos
A Russian missile damaged the building of the Islamic Cultural Center in Kyiv. All the details, photos and videos
A Russian missile damaged the building of the Islamic Cultural Center in Kyiv. All the details, photos and videos

On the morning of September 2, Russian troops launched a combined attack on Kyiv using a large number of cruise and ballistic missiles. Explosions were heard in the city, air defense systems were activated, and destruction and fires were reported in four districts of the capital due to falling debris.

As reported by OBOZ.UA, the terrorist country of the Russian Federation attacked the capital on the morning of Monday, September 2, using various types of missiles. Air defense forces were working in Kyiv, but, unfortunately, the fragments of the downed enemy objects damaged several buildings, in particular in the Holosiivskyi district of Kyiv.

Only verified information is available on the OBOZ.UA Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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