
Why TV sets in the USSR were covered with a napkin or cloth at night: an explanation

Yulia PoteriankoLife
The napkin on the TV had both decorative and functional purposes

One of the almost obligatory elements of the Soviet interior was a napkin draped over the TV. They chose textiles that were certainly festive or knitted an openwork item themselves. You can still find them in the homes of very old people. But why do they do this?

OBOZ.UA inquired about the origin of this custom. It turned out to have several reasons.


Soviet life was not characterized by rich decor and aesthetics. Therefore, people decorated their living space as best they could. Hence the love for bright colors, colorful prints, and decorative elements even in the most unexpected places. For many people, a napkin on the TV was an extra touch of home comfort.

In addition, bulky Soviet TVs with a tube had a flat surface on top, which was often used as mantelpieces are used - to place some memorabilia, photos of dear people. The napkin also protected this surface from scratches during such use.


Speaking of the kinescope tubes. This part, which was responsible for image transmission, was sensitive to sunlight. Some parts of the screen could fade and fade in the sun, which is why it was recommended to place kinescope TVs in a shaded corner of the house. The napkin on the device provided additional protection from the sun. And, of course, it protected it from dust, which in some cases could even lead to a fire.

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