What not to do on the Feast of the Presentation: how to avoid trouble
As with any major Christian holiday, the Presentation of the Lord, celebrated on February 15, is shrouded in a large number of prohibitions. In addition to its religious significance, this day is also known as the moment when winter meets spring, so it is considered a strong energy date. Restrictions are imposed so that this energy does not attract misfortune into your life.
OBOZREVATEL has compiled a list of prohibitions associated with the Feast of the Presentation. The list turned out to be quite extensive.
First of all, as with any major religious holiday, you can't work on Candlemas. This is especially true for all kinds of "dirty" work - cleaning, laundry, washing dishes, gardening, etc. They should be done in advance or postponed until the next day.
Any hard physical labour is also prohibited. Therefore, construction work, rearranging furniture, large purchases, car repairs, etc. are not allowed on this day.
You can't do needlework either. In ancient times, it was equated with hard physical labour, and this prohibition has been preserved.
Under no circumstances should you quarrel or scold your children on a holiday. There is also a taboo on foul language, cursing, family scandals, settling relationships and recalling old grievances.
You should also refrain from fortune-telling on the Feast of the Presentation. The Church does not approve of all kinds of magic on ordinary days, and especially on holidays.
It is categorically not recommended to move or go on a long journey on this day. It is believed that the journey will be unlucky.
You should also not borrow money. This can result in poverty for the whole family.
There are also prohibitions related to water. So the water blessed on the Presentation of the Lord should not be poured out. And it is not recommended to bathe - neither in a bath nor in a steam bath.
Finally, it is not recommended to drink alcohol.
Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told about the history and traditions of the celebration of Candlemas.
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