
What color do you see? A new optical illusion caused a stir online

A can of Coke, the color of which appears to be different because of an optical illusion. Source: Pexels

The human brain is capable of fantastic things, it is responsible for the most important systems in the body. But sometimes the brain can deceive us by reproducing the wrong color, picture or shape.

This was demonstrated in his experiment by biologist Dean Jackson. He shared a video on the social network TikTok, where a familiar to us red can of Coca-Cola, thanks to the optical illusion, looks gray (to see the photo, make the news to the end).

However, many subscribers persisted in claiming that it was red. With such a trick, the doctor forced us to think about whether our brains correctly reflect the color of the drink.

The optical illusion made users think about what they saw and find out what color is actually depicted. Many viewers didn't believe the can was sulfur because we're sure our eyesight can't fail us like that.

The biologist explains, "Surrounding a gray object with blue makes your brain perceive it as red." Plus, he says, we know the can is red, so we automatically think it is.


TikTok users also expressed their opinions about what they saw. "It's red, my eyes don't lie," "It's definitely red," they assured.

Previously OBOZREVATEL told how an optical illusion can show your hidden side.

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