
They fight a lot – and this is "normal". Svitlana Tarabarova told how her children have changed. What the singer's son and daughters look like

Svitlana Tarabarova with her children. Source:

The famous Ukrainian singer and composer Svitlana Tarabarova shared interesting changes that occur with her children as they grow up. The performer spoke about the peculiarities of communication and interaction between them.

The star noted that all of her children are completely different in character and behavior. Svitlana Tarabarova spoke about this on M1, where she first commented on the sudden death of her father.

Nowadays, the singer and her husband are raising their son Ivan and two daughters, Polina and Mariia. The composer said that the older the children get, the more interesting and easier it is to spend time with them: "We recently went to the store (to buy some seeds – Ed.) and planted a garden. They communicate with each other. That is, you can already negotiate with them, talk to them."

She admits that as her children grow up, they develop a "toxic love". One second they are fighting, and the next they are hugging. The singer was worried about this behavior, so she turned to a psychologist, who explained to her that it was normal, a process of "natural survival."

Svitlana Tarabarova notices that her younger daughter, Polina, is drawn to her elders, and wants to have everything they have: "She was the first to leave, the first to say the first word, the first to brush her teeth with them."

Ivan is more technical. He started reading early, writing, and drawing diagrams, although he is very spoiled.

The second daughter, Mariia, loves everything pink, despite her mother's prohibition. She often sings to music and looks at herself in the mirror.

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