
Suicide of a son, cancer, and a tyrant husband: the most tragic events in the life of rock 'n' roll queen Tina Turner

Tina Turner survived tragic events

During her 83 years of life, the "queen of rock 'n' roll" Tina Turner has received many music awards, worldwide popularity and the support of millions of listeners, but her life has not been carefree. On her way to success, both professionally and personally, the star had some tragic events, which she endured with great difficulty.

This did not prevent the artist to remain cheerful and charismatic, as she is remembered by fans, but it left a mark on her personality. OBOZREVATEL decided to remember what personal tragedies Tina Turner died the day before (to see the photo, scroll to the bottom of the page).

Tyrant Husband

Early in her artistic career, Tina Turner, then still performing under her real name Anna, met musician Ike Turner. He was not her first love and did not even become the first father of her child, but was able to become her legal husband.



The tyrant sheltered her and her young son, offered to sing in a duet and take a pseudonym. Everything began as a beautiful romance, but later the singer began to suffer beatings, rape and moral abuse. Their marriage lasted for 16 years, in which Tina Turner's second son was born. After years of systematic beatings, cheating and tyranny, the performer waited until Ike fell asleep and ran away from home with 36 cents in her pocket.


"I learned to be happy regardless of men. It happens quite rarely in life. It was my success that made me happy. I don't really believe any man could have handled it," Tina Turner summed up after her escape.

Stroke and cancer

Until 2013, the star lived quietly enough, building a career. She even managed to fall in love again and carry her feelings through many decades. Although Turner and her younger boyfriend of 16 years, Erwin Bach, met in 1985, they got married in 2013.


During her honeymoon, the star had a stroke, which she didn't notice until she stopped feeling one part of her body and lost the ability to speak. In 2016, the performer was diagnosed with colon cancer.


The artist reacted to her diagnosis as a verdict. She was already ready for euthanasia, but Tina Turner's husband saved her life. He gave his beloved a kidney, which was failing due to her illness.

Son's suicide

As the performer rekindled her thirst for life, a new grief hit her family. In 2018, her oldest son, Craig Raymond Turner, committed suicide. He wasn't even 60 years old at the time, but the man decided he didn't see any meaning in life. The star scattered her son's ashes and told fans it was the most tragic moment of her life.


Earlier OBOZREVATEL reported that in May, Levko Dutkovsky, a famous Ukrainian composer and founder of the legendary VIA "Smerichka" died. The musician passed away in his native Chernivtsi at the age of 80.

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