
Liya Akhedzhakova went on stage with the flag of Ukraine: in Russia they threw a tantrum

Liya Akhedzhakova once again supported Ukraine

People's Artist of Russia Liya Akhedzhakova, who resigned from the Moscow theater "Sovremennik", where she worked since 1977, again brought Russians to hysterics. In Germany, the artist took the stage with a Ukrainian flag to the applause of the audience, which shook the fragile patience of the Putinists.

They lightningly declared that the star should be recognized as a "foreign agent", although preliminary checks for "discrediting the Russian army" found nothing. This was stated by the propagandists (to see the photo, scroll to the end of the page).

A short video circulated on the network, where Liya Akhedzhakova stands on stage with a bicolor in her hands, while words of gratitude are shouted to her from the audience. The caption said that the actress was filmed at a concert in Germany on July 27 this year.

The Russian Prosecutor General's Office was asked again to check the star, "reward" her with the status of "foreign agent" and deprive her of all titles received in Russia.

The corresponding appeal was prepared by Vitaly Borodin, head of the Federal Project on Security and Anti-Corruption. It should be noted that he is "knocking" at the Prosecutor General's Office for the second time. Then he asked to initiate three criminal cases against Akhedzhakova . According to him, the actress should be punished under articles on state treason, discrediting the Russian army and for inciting ethnic hatred.

It should be noted that Liya Akhedzhakova supported Ukraine from the first days of the full-scale invasion, but stayed in Moscow for a long time. When the work in Sovremennik was finished, she apparently emigrated.

As OBOZREVATEL wrote earlier, in Moscow during a theater performance with Liya Akhedzhakova sprayed pepper spray. Employees said that a male spectator was to blame for the incident, but he himself does not recognize it.

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