
"They will be popular in the swamps." POSITIFF talks about Bardash's betrayal, liar volunteers, and why he's sad about Alchem

Oleksiy Zavgorodniy confessed whether he would agree to a musical duet with Anna Alkhim

Ukrainian singer Oleksiy Zavgorodniy, known under the stage name POSITIFF, surprised his listeners and fans with the song "Flashes", which became one of the main hits of 2023. However, a lot has changed in the artist's life since then.

We decided to find out what POSITIFF is doing now, how he feels about his colleagues' "vacation" abroad during the war, how he spent his winter holidays, and whether he would agree to a musical duet with Anna Alkhim. Read about this and much more in an exclusive interview with Oleksiy for YouTube blogger Bohdan Bespalov in cooperation with OBOZ.UA.

- Good news, good to hear. In peacetime, January is a period of rest for all stars. How is the beginning of 2024 going for you?

- My January was about family, friends, and music, because I recently presented a new track "Lights Go Out". On the first of the month, my team and I were already in the studio. In one room we were editing the video, and in the next room we were mixing the song. Now we are communicating with volunteers and the military, planning meetings, concerts and events for displaced children called "Ambassador of Childhood".

''They will be popular in the swamps.'' POSITIFF talks about Bardash's betrayal, liar volunteers, and why he's sad about Alchem

- Now, during the war, most people try not to flaunt their gifts, expensive life and vacations abroad. But there are exceptions among your colleagues, such as Anna Trincher, Ksenia Mishina, and Andriy Gonkovsky. A recent example is Voloshin's trip to Mexico. How do you feel about openly showing off your life to the fullest on social media?

- This is a personal matter for everyone. I do not condemn it if it does not violate the law. But it's hard for me to share such things. For example, I love to cook and could post culinary creations almost every day. But I feel that even this is not entirely ethical in relation to those who cannot afford to cook something in their homes because they have been destroyed or occupied. I'm more about creativity, music, good mood, encouraging and involving people in helping Ukrainians.

- I know that you help our military a lot as a volunteer. Case of Prentkovych-Gonkovsky. Traveling abroad under the guise of volunteering. Do you condemn such actions? How often do public figures abuse such schemes? Have you heard anything about this?

- I would never support someone close to me going on vacation under the guise of volunteering. Fortunately, all my friends and acquaintances are great volunteers. With them, I have repeatedly traveled abroad for charity events and returned with money for the Armed Forces, suitcases of Med Kit (first aid kits) and even cars for the front line. For me, it's already a romance to drive a car across Europe, because I know why and for whom I'm doing it!

''They will be popular in the swamps.'' POSITIFF talks about Bardash's betrayal, liar volunteers, and why he's sad about Alchem

- If you were offered, for example, by the duo Anna Alkhim, who have been involved in scandals lately: either listening to Russian music, dancing against the backdrop of a memorial to fallen heroes, or calling Ukrainian-speaking people Nazis. Would you agree? Given Anna's social positioning and provocation of Ukrainians?

- No, I can't be interested in that. I don't know Anna personally, I don't follow her, but I've seen her videos somewhere. I don't understand who her followers are and how they benefit from her. It's sad that she has an impact on such a large audience. It is sad that such narratives are heard in the public space. It's better to subscribe to Denis Khristov and see a real hero and what is happening in the frontline cities.

''They will be popular in the swamps.'' POSITIFF talks about Bardash's betrayal, liar volunteers, and why he's sad about Alchem

- And with whom would you like to record a duet and is it a difficult process for you to get closer to another artist?

- With Justin Bieber! There are many talented Ukrainian artists with whom I would like to do duets. I've even recorded demos with a few of them. But now I can't say specifically. It's not difficult for me to work with any artist. I think it has to do with my many years of experience in collaboration. I'm driven by the desire to witness the birth of something beautiful, the process of writing a track and the transformation of the artist during it.

- Yuriy Bardash, the former producer of the band Gryby, has been granted Russian citizenship. In all your interviews, you said that you never accepted Russians. Are the traitorous Ukrainians who chose the Kremlin doomed? What do you think the future holds for them?

- Bardash has always loved the 'rashka', and even more the money it offers. For all traitors, there is no other value than money. They will exist in a closed market, mindlessly doing what they are told to do in order to be paid for it. They will be popular in the swamps, because there is the same mindless enslaved audience that listens to a conventional shaman.

''They will be popular in the swamps.'' POSITIFF talks about Bardash's betrayal, liar volunteers, and why he's sad about Alchem

- And finally, your new single is called "Lights Go Out". What is the main message of the track and what will your next song be about?

- "Lights Go Out" is a song about feelings after an important period in life, such as a divorce. It's about believing in yourself despite difficult circumstances. You have to keep your inner light and ignite it in others. The new song will be very melodic and romantic. It's interesting that we bought a track for the first time in my career. And from an unknown author. Of course, everything was already altered to fit my style. But it was a unique case.

''They will be popular in the swamps.'' POSITIFF talks about Bardash's betrayal, liar volunteers, and why he's sad about Alchem

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