
Alina Grosu commented for the first time on the scandal with the "diplomatic post" and explained what she is doing in the United States

Alina Grosu reacts to the "diplomatic post" scandal in the United States for the first time. Source: Instagram @alina_grosu

The controversial Ukrainian singer Alina Grosu, who has been living in the United States since 2022, commented on the recent discussion about her "diplomatic post" that arose online. After a meeting with the mayor of New York, the artist wrote that she had become the "official representative of Ukrainian culture" in the city. However, representatives of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry emphasized that the star acted as a private citizen and was not appointed to an official position.

However, the news was quickly spread by domestic media. On September 27, Grosu responded to the scandal for the first time by recording a video on Instagram. The singer noted that she was on her way to the Annual Georgian American Heritage Day Celebration, where she would represent the country.

The singer urged to trust only the information that can be found on her page. "Nowhere did I indicate that I received a diplomatic position. It's not true," Grosu said, "I was nominated as a representative of Ukrainian culture in New York. I am not an ambassador, not an ambassador. I am a representative of Ukrainian culture."

Alina Grosu commented for the first time on the scandal with the ''diplomatic post'' and explained what she is doing in the United States

The star added that she doesn't need scandals and said she is currently changing her PR team. "For questions, clarifications, please contact me. Even a press release is not equal to my direct speech, because it is not written by me," the artist explained. "I also want to inform you that my PR team is changing now.

Alina Grosu commented for the first time on the scandal with the ''diplomatic post'' and explained what she is doing in the United States

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