
Russia uses UN Security Council to distract the world from Peace Summit - US

Sophia ZakrevskaWorld
Russia wants to divert attention from the Peace Summit in Switzerland

The aggressor country Russia had requested a meeting of the UN Security Council for Friday, June 14, right before the start of the Peace Summit in Switzerland, to discuss "the consequences of the West's military assistance to Ukraine." In this way, Moscow wanted to try to divert the international community's attention from the event in Switzerland.

This was stated by Deputy Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations Robert Wood at a meeting of the Security Council, Ukrinform reports. He was not surprised by such actions of the Russian Federation.

"It is not surprising that Russia has requested today's meeting the day before dozens of countries arrive in Switzerland for the Peace Summit. Today's meeting is a clear attempt by the Russian Federation to distract the world and blame anyone but itself for what is happening in Ukraine," the diplomat said.

According to him, Russia wants to make the world believe that Ukraine's attempts to defend itself are a real obstacle to peace. However, Wood believes that the aggressor will not succeed in fooling anyone.

At the same time, the American diplomat added, Russia is trying to strengthen ties with countries that openly ignore international law and the UN Charter. They include DPRK and China.

The U.S. representative called on all countries to stop military cooperation with Russia and support Ukraine's aspirations for a just and lasting peace that is consistent with the principles and purposes of the UN Charter.

Just before the summit, Russia also staged a provocation regarding prisoner exchanges. Russian Human Rights Commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova published a list of 430 Ukrainian servicemen who are "ready to return home in the near future if the Ukrainian side agrees to take them in exchange for Russian servicemen."

As reported, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has already arrived in Switzerland for the Peace Summit. The event will be attended by about 100 countries and international organizations.

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