
The morning in Sevastopol began with another loud feast: the occupiers found those responsible for the missile strikes

Sevastopol is under attack again

Sevastopol was shelled again in the morning. This time, the epicenter was the Sukharna Balka, as the Muscovites renamed the place where the village of Akhtiar (Akyar) was located in the Middle Ages. It was later the name of the entire city before it was twice "re-founded" with the new name, Sevastopol.

Reactions of collaborators and occupiers.

They do not understand why the Ukrainians are so confident to strike during the day. Everyone knows that Muscovites shoot bravely at night.

Search for the culprits.

They have already been found the culprits. These are refugees from mainland Ukraine, who, according to brainwashed people, are adjusting the targets of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (the fact that the percentage of brainwashed people predominates among the refugees is a nuance that may provide for their further conflicts with the occupiers).

The photo is a map of yesterday's memorable raid on the fleet headquarters.

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