
"No need to make a tragedy": Danilov spoke out about the delay of US military aid

Danilov speaks about the delay of military aid from the United States

The delay in US defense aid to Ukraine is not a tragedy. American lawmakers will approve this package even if Washington has not given an exact figure that Kyiv can expect to receive.

Oleksii Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, expressed this belief in a commentary to the BBC. According to him, everything will be resolved because "the truth is on our side."

The newspaper noted that the $106 billion financial aid package for Ukraine ($60 billion), Israel and Taiwan is embroiled in internal party politics, and time is running out before the US Congress's Christmas recess. Today, a smaller number of Republican lawmakers are "skeptical" about providing Kyiv with additional funds to strengthen its defense.

"If we get a gift before Christmas, we will be happy. But if it happens a little later, we should not turn it into a tragedy," Danilov commented.

He did not answer the journalist's question about whether Ukraine would lose the war to Russia if American aid stopped. The NSDC Secretary simply refused to consider this possibility, saying that "the truth is on our side."

"Will Putin destroy us before the eyes of the world? Will he kill our children, our women, our old people? And will the whole world watch with its eyes closed? Then the question should be the following: what kind of world do we live in?" Danilov stated.

To add, diplomat Oleksandr Levchenko said that the most unfavorable scenario, in which Western aid is critically reduced, Russian troops advance and seize new territories, and the government is forced to capitulate, can not happen to Ukraine. He noted that such an "apocalypse" is impossible for a number of objective reasons.

As reported by OBOZ.UA, President Volodymyr Zelensky recently met with representatives of American think tanks in Washington. They discussed how to maintain US support and attention to Ukraine in the face of other global challenges.

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