
In Uman, people are saying goodbye to former mayor Oleksandr Tsebrii, who heroically died at the front in Donbas. Photo

Oleksandr Tsebrii died in the war
Oleksandr Tsebrii died in the war

On the morning of Saturday, July 27, a funeral ceremony for former mayor Oleksandr Tsebrii, who was killed in Donetsk region while performing a combat mission, began in Uman, Cherkasy Oblast. The defender died on July 24.

Local Telegram channels showed footage of the gathering of people. Not only his relatives and friends, but also many local residents, officials, and mayors of other cities gathered to see the soldier and former city mayor to his last journey.

Oleksandr Tsebrii, who led Uman from 2015 to 2020, joined the Ukrainian Armed Forces in February 2022, after the start of the full-scale Russian invasion.

The former mayor was only 50 years old

Kyiv Mayor Vitalii Klytschko, who also honored the memory of his former colleague, noted that Tsebriy commanded a machine gun platoon of the 58th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade of the Armed Forces.

"Eternal memory to Oleksandr! My sincere condolences to the family and friends... Thank you for your defense! Glory to Ukrainian Heroes who defend our country at the cost of their health and lives!" Klytschko wrote on Telegram.

Farewell to the former mayor of Uman
People gathered to see off our defender
Uman. July 17, 2024
Klytschko's speech

The hero is now 50 years old. In March of this year, the President of Ukraine awarded Tsebrii the Order for Courage, III class.

Oleksandr Tsebrii took up arms after the outbreak of a full-scale war.
Oleksandr Tsebrii gave his life for Ukraine at the front
Tsebrii died on July 24, 2024

As previously reported by OBOZ.UA:

– Defending Ukraine in the Zaporizhzhia sector, soldier Valeriy Malynovskyi from Shepetivka, Khmelnytskyi region, was killed. He was 48 years old and served as an assault platoon rifleman with the 128th Brigade.

– A defender Yuriy Babiychuk from Netishyn, Khmelnytsky region, also died in the war. The soldier of the 33rd Brigade had been missing for almost a year.

Only verified information on our Telegram channel OBOZ.UA and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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