
"If you want to protect your military from American weapons, withdraw them from Ukraine": State Department responds to Lavrov

Matthew Miller responds to Lavrov's accusations about "red lines"

The U.S. Department of State has responded to Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov's latest nonsense about "red lines" in the context of a possible transfer of JASSM missiles to Ukraine. The department advised the aggressor country to withdraw its occupiers from Ukraine if they were afraid of American weapons.

This statement was made by US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller at a briefing in Washington on Wednesday, September 4. He emphasized that Washington's support for Kyiv is due to the illegal war that Russia has unleashed against Ukraine.

"Therefore, if Russia wants to end the actions against Russian soldiers, the best way to do that is to end the war and withdraw from Ukraine," Miller said.

The day before, Lavrov, commenting on the possible supply of long-range US missiles to Ukraine, said that the US was playing with "red lines." The representative of the terrorist country said that Washington is "losing the sense of mutual deterrence" that has underpinned the security balance between Moscow and Washington since the Cold War.

"They should realize that they are joking about our 'red lines'. They should not joke about our 'red lines'," Lavrov told Russian propagandists.

As reported by OBOZ.UA, earlier Reuters, citing sources, wrote that the United States had come close to an agreement to provide Ukraine with long-range JASSM cruise missiles that can strike deep into Russia. However, Kyiv will have to wait a few months, as the US side is still working out the technical details.

Only verified information is available on the OBOZ.UA Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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