
This is how chaos looks like: the astrophotographer showed a dynamic image of the Sun. Photo.

Anastasia KakunNews
Astrophotographer shows a dynamic image of the Sun. Source:

American astrophotography expert Andrew McCarthy, who has been showing his audience rare images of space objects for a long time, has once again surprised the network with a unique image. The man's camera lens captured the "chaos" taking place on the surface of the Sun.

According to the scientist, he managed to create the most dynamic 375-megapixel photo of his career. Andrew McCarthy published the unique photo on the social network X.

"I used a specially modified telescope, over a terabyte of photos, and the help of a total solar eclipse to create the most dynamic image of our Sun I've ever taken," the man said in the post.

Andrew McCarthy said that many years of developing his astrophotography skills helped him capture a rare phenomenon that occurred on the Sun. In this case, it is the magnetic field lines of the central star of our planetary system that surround the chromosphere.

The space explorer noted that he was able to create such images by integrating his own artistry, which helped him to notice the chaos on the surface of the cosmic body.

Only verified information is available on the OBOZ.UATelegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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