
The size of a palm: what the world's smallest cat, which lived in China 300,000 years ago, looked like

Anna Boklajuk
Anna BoklajukNews
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Scientists found the fossils of the world's smallest cat. Source: freepik.com

Scientists have identified a tiny species of cat that lived in China 300,000 years ago from a fossilized jaw. They found the remains of a cat that was so small it could fit in the palm of your hand.

The fossils were found deep in a cave where early humans lived. Researchers believe that the extinct animal may be the tiniest cat they have ever seen, Live Science reports.

This newly identified species is part of the leopard cat genus Prionailurus, a family of wild cats that still exists in South Asia. While most modern leopard cats are closer in size to domestic cats - with an average length of 70 centimeters and weighing at least 2 kilograms - the species found was significantly smaller.

"This cat is clearly smaller than a domestic cat. It is comparable to the smallest living cat, [at around] 1 kilogram [2.2 pounds]," says Qigao Jiangzuo, the lead author of the study.

The size of a palm: what the world's smallest cat, which lived in China 300,000 years ago, looked like

The scientist said that cats were common elements of Quaternary period [the geological period that spans from 2.58 million years ago until today] cave deposits. However, the discovery of such a small cat came as a surprise to them.

Fossilized remains of leopard cats' ancestors are rare as these animals live in unprotected forests where their bones decay faster, meaning that few prehistoric specimens have survived. The newly found specimen was preserved due to the protective environment of the cave, which gave researchers a unique opportunity to study the fossils.

The scientist also noted that they plan to continue to systematically study cat species in China and around the world that have been insufficiently studied in the past.

"We hope to trace the origins and past diversity of the cat family," Jiangzuo said.

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