
Rare deep-sea octopus squid with the largest biological "lights" known in nature filmed attacking underwater camera. Video

Squid attacked an underwater camera. Source: Video screenshot

Scientists from the Center for Deep Sea Research at the University of Western Australia's (UWA) Minder Center lowered a camera with a bait and saw a rare octopus squid. It was recorded north of Samoa.

Researchers studying the deepest parts of the ocean captured an incredible moment. Experts witnessed an unusual scene involving the Dana octopus (Taningia danae), named for its eight limbs. A video was posted on the University of Western Australia's YouTube channel.

After the lander was recovered from a depth of more than 5 km, the researchers realized that the video captured a marine creature that is rarely seen in its natural habitat. Geologist Heather Stewart, who studies the depths of the sea, said that the length of the rare deep-sea squid is 75 cm. The "monster" grabbed the camera with its body, taking it as a prey.

"It tried to scare it with its huge bioluminescent lights," she said.

The two "photo lights" at the tips of the octopus' limbs are the largest of their kind in nature. The interaction of the squid with the lander was recorded from two angles.

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