
It's important to be in time: how to fertilize tomatoes in July before the harvest

Yulia PoteriankoNews
Tomatoes may also need fertilization in July. Source: Created with the help of AI

In July, tomatoes are actively ripening in the garden, which means that the plants may need support to develop the best possible harvest. During this important period, it is important to apply appropriate fertilizers to tomato bushes.

Zelena Sadyba tells you which products to choose and how to use them correctly. Both organic and mineral fertilizers are needed to feed tomatoes in July.

How to choose fertilizers for tomatoes in July

Regardless of whether you grow vegetables in an open field or a greenhouse, summer fertilization should be cautious. You should not fertilize more than once every 10-14 days. If the fruits are developing well and the plant is strong and healthy, then you can refuse to fertilize at all – this means that you took good care of the garden in the spring.

The optimal amount of fertilization for tomatoes is 3-4 times during the entire season. Additional procedures are carried out only if necessary.

How to understand that tomatoes need fertilizing

So, a plant that looks good does not need fertilization. But what about tomatoes with which something has gone wrong?

If the leaves on the bush lighten and curl, and become small, chlorosis develops on the tomatoes, and the fruits grow smaller than normal for their variety, this indicates a lack of nitrogen. The purple color of the leaves, their curling upward, and stunted growth are signs of phosphorus deficiency. Lack of potassium results in small, wrinkled young leaves, fading and mottling, rust-like yellow shoulders on the fruit.

The right proportions of fertilizer during tomato ripening

Tomatoes need very careful use of fertilizer during the adult stage. Until the third and fourth flower clusters open and the first fruits begin to ripen, you can apply the following fertilizers:

  • 1 tbsp. of a complex fertilizer mixture in equal proportions (for example, 1 tbsp. of  nitrophosphates  per 10 liters of water – for 2 square meters of the garden);
  • 6 g of potassium-phosphorus mixture (per 1 liter of water and 1 bush);
  • micronutrient fertilizers for tomatoes (according to the instructions);
  • Growth regulators (Zavyaz, Plantator, etc.), stimulants, or antistressors (Epin Extra, sodium humate) exactly according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

If the mixture you have chosen does not contain trace elements, basic fertilizers can be strengthened with a weak solution of boric acid. Dilute it in the ratio of 1 gram per 1 liter of water. Use this liquid during watering.

You can also prepare organic fertilizers for tomatoes at the ripening stage. Here are some options that will be useful:

  • classic yeast starter;
  • a solution of iodine and milk (10 drops per 1 liter of milk per bucket of water, at the rate of 1 liter per plant for foliar feeding)
  • infusion of dandelion, marigold, garlic, or other green fertilizers made from spicy and insecticidal plants;
  • biofertilizers and biological products (in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer).

In any case, 2-3 weeks before harvesting, you should stop fertilizing tomatoes. Such fertilization will harm the plant rather than support it.

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