
Holidays on the slopes of the Dnipro: top 5 most interesting routes

Albina PanchenkoNews
Beautiful locations near the Dnipro

Autumn is no reason to hide in your home. Especially when there are still so many unexplored picturesque locations. So where to relax in nature - read below.


The village is located in the Obukhiv district. It is considered one of the oldest settlements of Kyivan Rus. If you climb to the top of Mohyla Hill, you can see a wooden windmill. There is also a chapel here that was built in 1991 on the initiative of the poet Oles Berdnyk. Its appearance resembles an old Cossack shrine. By the way, Taras Shevchenko created the sketch while working on his album "Picturesque Ukraine." The seven-headed cross is an exact copy of his drawing.

An interesting fact: thanks to its unique landscapes, Vytachiv has become a popular place for filming. The local scenery can be seen in the movie "The Guide".

We recommend visiting Lake Ritsa. It is located among the picturesque landscapes of the Kalynove Tract nature reserve. Its clear waters create a unique microclimate and incredible landscapes. We also recommend going on a hike to Mount Krasukha, which offers a view of the entire Left Bank of Kyiv region.

Also, visit the Vikentiy Khvoyka Museum. It is located in the neighboring village of Halepia. It houses exhibits of the tribes of Trypillian culture: tools, utensils, jewelry, etc.

The location is perfect for a camping trip. You can also rent apartments in Vytachiv at 85 Nahirna Street.

Trakhtemyrivsky Peninsula

The reserve is located on the border of Kyiv and Cherkasy regions and is washed by the waters of the Kaniv Reservoir. Today it is a popular destination for tourism and recreation. Like the Tibetan mountain Kailash, Trakhtemyriv is considered an energy mecca. People come here for meditation and spiritual practices.

By the way, this corner of Ukraine attracts not only esotericists, but also fans of Cossack traditions and Slavic rituals. They often gather near the metal tripod "Height 222".

The abandoned Soviet camp "Salute" is also located here. Now the building is gradually deteriorating: the facades are fading and the roofs are covered with moss.

If you want to stay here for a few days, it is better to take a tent with you. You can also rent a house in the Tviy Rayok complex. It is located 8 kilometers from the main entrance to the landscape park.

Lake Buchak

It is located in the Cherkasy region. Its history began in the 80s of the last century. The construction of the Kaniv pumped storage power plant started then, but due to economic difficulties in the 90s, the project was stopped. Later, the pit was filled with water. Since then, the location has been attracting tourists.

Today, the reservoir is an independent ecosystem. It has become home to a variety of fish species. That's why you can often meet fishing enthusiasts here. You can also pitch a tent, have a picnic, and feel like a part of the wilderness.

By the way, there are no shops around the location. The closest supermarkets and restaurants are a half-hour drive from the village of Buchak in the town of Kaniv. Here you can also stay overnight in hotels or apartments.

Blue Clay Spring

The place is famous for its healing properties. Its special feature is blue clay, which has a positive effect on the skin. Here you can just take a break from the city bustle and walk along the slopes of the quarry. By the way, there is a small pond nearby where you can wash off the mud from your body. The region is also rich in sea buckthorn, which locals and travelers gather in the fall.

You can spend the night in the village of Staiki. There is a hotel here, and there is also an eco-camping area called Krucha.

Bald Mountain

It is located near Rzhyshchev. You can get to the top by boat, which runs every hour. To get here, you can choose an organized tour or a separate trip. At the foot of the natural attraction, travelers often organize picnics or set up tents.

By the way, water transport also runs from the shore of the bay to the half-submerged Transfiguration Church. It was because of the construction of the Kaniv Reservoir that the shrine was partially submerged.

We also recommend visiting the Rzhyshchiv Archaeological and Local History Museum. After the end of World War II, a branch of the state bank functioned here. Later, in 2008, the premises were leased. Now it houses household items, dishes, and icons.

By the way, there are several estates and hotels in Rzhyshchev where you can spend the night.

Travel through unexplored Ukraine! Explore new corners on the slopes of the Dnipro!

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