
Healthy protein salad for dinner: what to cook a delicious dish from

Iryna MelnichenkoNews
Salad recipe. Source: pexels.com

If you want to make a hearty and tasty salad, chicken, eggs, fresh vegetables, herbs, and cheese are ideal ingredients.

Delicious salad

The cook shared on Instagram a recipe for a delicious and satisfying salad for dinner, with fillet, fresh cucumbers, and croutons.

Recipe of the dish


  • chicken fillet (or ham)
  • 2 large cucumbers
  • 2 eggs
  • canned corn
  • croutons
  • mayonnaise or any favorite dressing

Method of preparation:

1️. Chop the boiled fillet or ham. Add fresh or pickled cucumber, canned corn, and 2 boiled eggs, cut into strips.

Salad ingredients

2. Add homemade breadcrumbs.


3. Season with homemade mayonnaise, you can replace it with sour cream or yogurt sauce. Stir just before serving to prevent the croutons from getting soggy.

Ready-made salad

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