
Exploring Ukraine's Galicia: top places to visit this spring

Albina Panchenko
Albina PanchenkoNews
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Tourist Galicia

This picturesque region is known far beyond the borders of our country. One part of it is located on the territory of modern Poland, and the other part is in Ukraine. These are now Lviv, Ternopil, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.

Read on to find out which locations to visit in Galicia.

Krylos, Ivano-Frankivsk region

The small settlement is considered to be the ancient capital of the Galician-Volyn principality. It is here that the most prominent monuments of that time are located, which together form the Ancient Halych Reserve. This is a real open-air museum. Here you can see an ancient castle, numerous shrines, and an exhibition hall.

At the entrance to the village, in the Kachaniv tract, travelers are greeted by a single mound. The first mention of it dates back to the 13th century. The events in the chronicle are described as a confrontation between the boyars and local residents. Most historians believe that the founder of the city is buried here. Mykhailo Hrushevsky was also inclined to this opinion.

The first thing every traveler should do is climb the mountain where the Church of the Assumption is located. The foundation of the Assumption Cathedral is preserved near it. By the way, at that time the church was second only to St. Sophia of Kyiv in size. Next, go to the museum. It is located not far from the previous location.

Also go to the ruined fortress. Now they are trying to restore it, just as they rebuilt Baturyn and Chyhyryn, which were wiped off the map.

Also visit two springs: Francyshkovo and Knyazhna Krynytsia.

Exploring Ukraine's Galicia: top places to visit this spring

Urych, Lviv region

An inconspicuous settlement in the Lviv region became known for the rock fortress of Tustan. The defense structure once protected the borders of Kyivan Rus, and later guarded important trade routes of the Galicia-Volyn principality. Unfortunately, the fortification has not survived to this day. However, after the Golden Horde raid, it was restored by Polish King Casimir the Great.

Interestingly, the wooden blocks were literally cut into stone blocks. The area where the outpost used to stand is home to many unique artifacts, from dishes to weapons. In 1997, Ukrainians collected historical exhibits and opened a museum in the village.

By the way, there is another exhibition hall in the settlement, the "House in Hluboky." It is located in an authentic Boyko house. It displays the villagers' household items, their photographs, and even their memories in records.

A traditional Galician church, the Church of St. Nicholas, was built in the northern part of Urych. The shrine was built on the site of the old cathedral. The foundation was laid of stone, and the base was made of wood. More than 100 years have passed, and the church still looks as good as new.

Borshchiv, Ternopil region

Many travelers associate the delicious name with the Ukrainian national dish. And no wonder. However, it is not known exactly why the village got this "name". According to legend, during a Tatar raid, the locals captured one of the invaders and drowned him in borsch.

The settlement has an interesting history. It was even visited by Oleksa Dovbush, who broke into the lord's chambers and got even with the executioner of the people. A private lawyer's office, the Prosvita reading room, and the Les Kurbas Theater once operated here.

We advise you to go to the Castle Tower, which was converted into a church bell tower several centuries ago. This area used to be a fortress. It was well fortified, but fell to the Turkish army. After some time, it was rebuilt into a palace. Unfortunately, it did not survive either.

Visit the local history museum. The famous Borshchiv embroideries are presented here, as well as the best works of Levytskyi and Hnizdovsky. And be sure to visit the Assumption Church. A copy of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Borshchiv is preserved here.

Galician National Park

When exploring Galicia, it is impossible to avoid its pearl. The reserve stretches along the Dniester River and covers forest tracts, geological formations, wetlands, and areas of meadow-steppe vegetation. It is home to many representatives of flora and fauna listed in the Red and Green Books of Ukraine.

For example, here you can find cuckoo's slippers, forest lily, two-leaved lily, and even the rarest orchid in our country - the bee-bearing orchid. Don't be lazy and go deep into the forest, where the deep karst lake Simlyn is hidden.

There is an animal rehabilitation center in the park. It treats and cares for crippled representatives of the fauna. There is also a museum "Nature of the Galician Land".

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