
August horoscope: important dates and forecast for each zodiac sign

Horoscope of important dates. Source: Created with the help of AI

Summer always passes too quickly, and August is on its way. This month will bring several important astrological transits: the New Moon in Leo, Venus moving into Virgo, the Full Moon in Aquarius, Venus entering Libra, and Mercury retrograde – what could we do without it?

Astrologers say that this is a period of summarizing and deep transformations. This is a time for reflection rather than reaction, which will emphasize the importance of self-reflection before investing in future ideas.

Key dates in August 2024

  • August 4: New Moon in Leo, Venus enters Virgo;
  • August 5: Mercury retrograde;
  • August 14: Mercury enters Leo again;
  • August 18: transit of the Sun and Mercury;
  • August 19: Full Moon in Aquarius;
  • August 22: Sun enters Virgo
  • August 28: end of Mercury retrograde
  • August 29: Venus enters Libra.


You may feel the urge to immerse yourself in your work. Mercury retrograde will reawaken your old ideas and help you revisit a love story as it stays in your 5th house of romance and creative endeavors for the next few weeks. The Aquarius Full Moon will close a chapter on your old aspirations. Are you ready to throw away your past patterns and live with new ideas? This is your chance.


August opens with transformational energy, encouraging you to focus on meeting your emotional needs and embracing change. In the middle of the month, Mercury retrograde prompts you to revisit past issues related to home, family dynamics, or property. Use this period to introspect and resolve any lingering misunderstandings that are affecting your emotional security. The Full Moon in Aquarius at the end of the month emphasizes your 10th house of career and public image, marking a culmination in professional affairs.


This month focuses on socializing, learning, and expanding your horizons. It's time to start new projects, improve your skills, or reconnect with your community. Mercury will help you articulate your thoughts and ideas more effectively and gain new perspectives on your goals or educational objectives. This is a time to abandon outdated perspectives and adopt a broader outlook.


August encourages you to focus on practical matters and emotional depth. The New Moon in Leo illuminates your 2nd house of finances and values, allowing you to reevaluate your material resources and financial goals. In the middle of the month, Mercury retrograde invites you to re-examine your financial strategies and reassess your values. Take this time to review your budget, rethink your investments, and define your financial priorities.


The New Moon in Leo lights up your 1st house, marking a time of personal renewal and setting new intentions for self-expression. Your dreams will come to life if you stick to your authenticity. Venus will bring harmony and stability to your material resources and self-esteem. Use this period to clarify your intentions and reconsider your approach to individual projects.


Astrological transits emphasize introspection, personal growth, and practical issues. You'll have space for spiritual reflection, subconscious exploration, and abandoning old patterns that no longer serve you. Mercury retrograde in Leo will encourage you to revisit past issues, reflect on your inner journey, and reconsider spiritual practices or emotional healing. The Full Moon in Aquarius at the end of the month illuminates your 6th house of health, work, and daily affairs. This is a time to break bad habits, improve work dynamics, or find balance in your life.


August will bring the energy of friendship, creativity, and personal growth. The New Moon in Leo activates your 11th house of communication and social affairs. Venus strengthens your 12th house of introspection and spirituality, bringing harmony and peace to your inner world. Write down your dreams in a journal. The universe has an important message. Take this time to clarify your goals and reconsider your role in your social circle. The Aquarius Full Moon illuminates your 5th house of creativity, romance, and self-expression, signaling a time of culmination and fulfillment in these areas. This is a time to celebrate creative achievements.


August is going to be full of lessons about your career, family life, and social connections. It all starts with learning to set realistic expectations. Venus, the planet of love, enters your 11th house of friendship and community, bringing harmony and pleasure. Mercury retrograde suggests that you revisit your career plans, reassess your professional goals, and think about your reputation.


This is a time for learning, traveling, and philosophy. The stars will encourage you to plan new intellectual pursuits, expand your horizons by traveling, or delve into philosophical research. Venus, which will soon enter Virgo, will activate your 10th house of career and public image, bringing attractiveness and creativity to your professional endeavors. In the middle of the month, Mercury retrograde in Leo invites you to reconsider your educational goals, rethink your travel plans, and reflect on your beliefs and philosophical outlook.


August will help you focus on reinvention, personal values, and career aspirations. The beginning of the month will ignite your 8th house of transformation, encouraging you to delve into personal growth. Any hidden secrets or unspoken words will come to the surface this month. Trust your feelings and know that honesty is the best way to heal.


As Venus enters your 8th house of intimacy, transformation, and shared resources, it creates deeper connections and a desire for emotional collaboration. Mercury retrograde will encourage you to re-examine relationship dynamics, re-evaluate commitments, and consider your role in a partnership. It's a time to embrace your individuality, assert your identity, and embark on personal projects or changes that reflect your true self.


This month emphasizes the need to focus on health, relationships, and spiritual reflection. The New Moon in Leo activates your 6th house of health, daily routines, and work, encouraging you to prioritize self-care, establish new habits, and improve your well-being. It's time to let go of past emotional baggage. Your ability to clearly articulate your ideas will improve significantly, and creative projects will gain momentum.

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