
How to grow watermelon-sized cabbage: basic rules of care

Anna OnishchenkoNews
How to grow a big cabbage harvest. Source: freepik.com

Growing vegetables in your garden is not only a way to get fresh and organic food. It is a fascinating hobby that allows you to relax and fulfill yourself.

Cabbage is one of the most popular vegetable crops in the world due to its versatility and nutritional value. The online store "Farmer Center " told us about the rules for caring for it, which will help to grow record-breaking large fruits.

Planting cabbage

Cabbage can be grown both by the seedling method and by sowing seeds directly into the soil, but then it is worth remembering that it needs to be prepared (fertilized and weeded), as well as all the procedures that would have to be done when growing seedlings.


The best way to grow cabbage seedlings is in cassettes in medium-sized film greenhouses. On the market, you can choose the cassettes that are right for you, taking into account the time of sowing seeds, air temperature, and the time of planting seedlings in open ground. For example, for early hybrids, the seedlings are 40 days old, so a 96-cell cassette will be optimal. For mid-season and late-season, 160 cells are optimal.

Also, to get a good harvest, you should equip the greenhouse with a heating and lighting system and ventilate it regularly.

How to grow watermelon-sized cabbage: basic rules of care


Peat substrates should be used that are ready-made, contain enough nutrients, have an optimal pH, and are free of phytopathogenic trace elements.

Soil requirements also differ depending on the cabbage variety. For early hybrids, light loamy soils that warm up well are best suited. Mid-season and late hybrids are best planted in soil with a high yield and acidity of pH 5.5-6.


The optimum temperature for seed germination is 18-20 degrees. During the growing season, it drops to 15-18 degrees. If the seedlings are well hardened during the development, the plants will be able to withstand short-term frosts down to -3-5 degrees, and the formed heads down to -5-8 degrees.

Crop rotation

It is best to plant early-ripening cabbage hybrids after cucumber, onions, tomatoes, carrots, and late-ripening ones after potatoes, root crops, legumes, cucumber, and beets.

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